I got my acc locked for no reason?

i never used cheats or anything i never smurfed i never gave my acc to anyone but riot got my acc locked for using third party tools to cheat etc. is it a eror of some kind idk?
19 Replies
oh and i send a ticket to riot too from their website but blitzcrank bot responded once and its been 3 days
Spideyβ€’6mo ago
it usually takes a week for riot to respond especially when they have alot of tickets.
hmm okay then so i found out that someone got into my acc and they probably used a third party program i dont know what to do atp
Negaousβ€’6mo ago
bro samething happen to me im trying to fix this for a week and i made a ticket all bots bru ._.
dude i hate riot using bots blitzcrank always answers with the same thing The request you have sent to us is not related to the suspension of your account idk how to fix it
ν˜Έλ‚˜β€’6mo ago
why ru talking to bots open a ticket ;valsupport
VANGUARD Mainβ€’6mo ago
:valQuestion: The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.
i did only bots answer me i went to riots own website and I opened a ticket but only blitzcrank bot answers me
ν˜Έλ‚˜β€’6mo ago
really? what option did u pick also show ticket
alright but its turkish
ν˜Έλ‚˜β€’6mo ago
oof ok send anywya
okay so the one below i opened it and the bot just said this then i noticed its not bcs of me someone got in my acc and i opened another ticket
ν˜Έλ‚˜β€’6mo ago
I meant show the inside like what u wrote.
translation(i used google to be quicker):I haven't played Valorant for a long time. I was on a 3-day holiday. When I returned, I realized that someone else had entered my account. The person who entered caused me to be banned. Please help me. I changed my password and everything, but my account still appears to be suspended.
No description
and the topic is someone entered my acc and used a third party program i sended my user riot id and my gmail as they wanted
ν˜Έλ‚˜β€’6mo ago
hmm maybe try talking about being hacked instead of the ban
hm alright but they kinda warned me about multiple tickets and stuff if this one ends in the same way i will try that too thanks

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