m1 m2 button not work
i switched xbox to xbox elite using HHD.
so mostly it worked. but sometimes they do not work. so i reboot and move to HHD and switch xbox and return... but still not work.
12 Replies
we are looking into this right now
temporarily changing the controller fixes it
do you notice a pattern when it doesnt work?
or to mouse mode and back
sadly not work to me ðŸ˜
now this works after I set auto and activate legacy usb and usb on Bios
auto what?
i will take a pic and post it . gimme a sec pls

when i switched it to disabled, it happened i guess
why did you disable it?
i saw system error about usb
i am going to post it
ok disabling it too
u mean disable usb again?
i disable legacy usb support and it works
ok i will try it again
The error logs are overlapped by other errors as time wore on
yes now i turned it off, and works