game its pretty blurry/pixelated
mid-far range object/players are very blurry and pixelated making it hard to actually see what or where im shooting at, any fixes?
7 Replies
oh and not just that, the ENTIRE gun sysyem is just not healthy at all
crouch + walk + sheriff 100% accurate
crouch + walk + ads vandal
100% accurate
but actual ACCURATE aim is RNG
turn on anti aliasing
preferably 8x
i had it 16x, is 8x better?
oh nope
can you show
what you mean
by blurry
anisotropic to 16x so that the textures don't look muddy
antialiasing to msaa 4x
antialiasing takes some performance but not that much
anisotropic is just memory usage so you won't notice any FPS hit with it
also make sure the anisotropic filtering and antialiasing settings in ur nvidia control panel are set to "Application control"
try turning on the experimental sharpening and improve clarity settings and turn everything underneath those settings off as well
helped sharpen up player models that were far away
wasnt on val for a while, but i am today. ill try clipping some if i can