How do I use GraphQL to see all of the
How do I use GraphQL to see all of the worksheets shared with a specific Group?
3 Replies
are you referring to graphql beta that we have released in the develop tab ?
yes 🙂 I've tried both beta GraphQL and REST v2.0 using SearchMetadata passing in permissions, principlal, identifier
those bothe always return an empty aray. If I use REST v1.0 with metadata/listas, it at least returns the answers and liveboards shared with a group... But i'm looking to find worksheets shared with a group
Hello @bmofkn :
To achieve the above use-case, could you please try the below API:
curl -X POST \
--url 'https://<hostname/api/rest/2.0/security/principals/fetch-permissions' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer XXX=' \
--data-raw '{
"principals": [
"identifier": "<GROUP_NAME>",
"type": "USER_GROUP"
"record_offset": 0,
"record_size": -1,
"default_metadata_type": "LOGICAL_TABLE"
Reference link:
REST API v2.0 Reference
REST API Reference