I’ve been lacking motivation to want to play the game..
How do you guys get back into the game after a long time not playing?
10 Replies
Honestly, Planet Zoo is all about individual goals, for some people it's about planning every inch of a zoo, for others it's about winging it, some people like to build amazing structures, while others prefer to decorate as realistically as possible, and there are also players who just make square habitats and watch the animals, no fuss. It all depends on what you like to do.
You can set goals for genetics, for variations in animal coats, or perhaps goals for the number of money, cc, or visitors to the zoo.
Just do what you like to do, and if you have no motivation, no problem, explore other games, you will come back when you really want to do it
dont force yourself fr
when time will come you will go
I would suggestion to try to make in Franchise mode different franchises that are profitable with a single species habitat and max amount of animals ( could use this for breeding or just to make large habitats that look awesome )
Thank you everyone! I might come back to this post with an update as and when I begin to play the game again :3
Hi! I normally stop playing Planet Zoo for about 2 weeks, and then I come back with a lot of ideas. I really enjoy the game much more after doing that. As Tati said, I'm the kind of player who really enjoys planning out my entire zoo, doing a lot of decorations and stuff like that. You could try doing that, or you could try creating zoos in different biomes or with specific themes.
Go to a good IRL zoo, and you will be playing again in no time
I think of how beautiful i can make my little game animals enclosures
everytime i go to an IRL zoo, it inspires me
I live in a ciyr that dosent have a zoo and i think the nearest one is like an hour away
I’ve been playing since it came to consoles