[WORKAROUND FOUND] Full System Crash (Cannot Alt+F3 to change tty)

Please help if you're able, I've been fighting this for months on other distros, and it was working on Bazzite until 20 min ago, so I don't know what happened 😭 I believe it's a KDE bug, but since it was working until only 20 min ago, it has to be some configuration of some kind.
Better workaround is to put KWIN_DRM_NO_DIRECT_SCANOUT=1 into /etc/environment and then reboot. There is a small hit to performance (I haven't noticed any hit, but KDE says there is), but the issue is now completely gone. I don't have to use gamescope and I can turn the steam overlay back on too
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224 Replies
termdisc6mo ago
try ctrl+alt+f3 for tty
RaevenantOP6mo ago
oh oops. Typo. That's the thing that doesn't work
termdisc6mo ago
drat. I was hoping it would've been that simple
RaevenantOP6mo ago
I'm going to try an os-tree reset to see if I can fix it, but I really don't know what I did other than install easyeffects would've loved that 😅 though the bug would've still been present
RaevenantOP6mo ago
This is what happens right before the crash too: https://imgur.com/a/5jTZrSv
RaevenantOP6mo ago
the main screen fails to render anything that's happening, but OBS can see it just fine The bug occured right after I layered easyeffects, and I know that messes with pipewire stuff, so I'm wondering if it broke something in pipewire and now things are borked
termdisc6mo ago
it shouldn't break something in pipewire, but try to uninstall the package first before doing a full rpm-ostree reset rpm-ostree uninstall <package>
RaevenantOP6mo ago
I did 😭 easyeffects is gone, but the issue persists
termdisc6mo ago
already rebooted?
RaevenantOP6mo ago
yeah I rebooted and rolled back to previous image technically but easyeffects wasn't layered anymore my hardware is a Framework 16 with dGPU, so I'm hoping that someone else with this hardware has a solution if it's just me, then I'm uber confused I'm gonna nuclear real quick after my meeting and try the reset dammit, nuclear option didn't fix anything I'm putting my two layers back lmao just tried X11 and it doesn't load at all. Blank screen, can't ctrl+alt+f3 to change tty. Had to power-button It seems to have 100% everything to do with my monitor. When I play the game on my laptop screen, everything works fine in fact, if I move Timberborn to my laptop screen first, and then quit. No crash occurs KDE completely borked lmao OK so, I tried using HDMI instead of DP-Alt Mode, and THE BUG IS GONE so it has something to do with the DP-Alt mode or DP itself. I don't have a USB to DP cable, but I'll grab one today and give it a go however, it does appear that using my USBC dock with an HDMI output also causes a similar bug, so I wonder if the dock is also DP-alt mode or smth @Kyle Gospo @matt_schwartz (effectively replying here, since it's better to keep the info centralized) I've narrowed it down to specifically the USB-C port on the dedicated GPU AMD 7700s. If I use the side ports that are connected to the Motherboard, this issue does not occur. I'm going to open a ticket with Framework and possibly AMD? Since it appears that it's specific to the GPU and / or the GPU drivers instead of just a display port bug
RaevenantOP6mo ago
Framework Community
USB-C DisplayPort on GPU module is broken on Linux
I have tried both Nobara and Bazzite so far, and these are both based on Fedora. Bazzite is a community-supported OS. When using the USB-C connection on the back of the GPU to connect to an external monitor, running certain games (Timberborn is extremely consistent) on Steam with KDE Wayland causes a full system crash. I cannot ctrl+alt+f3 to c...
tulip🌷6mo ago
is this stuff still happenning? the first thing id do is just reboot and check what happened in the logs through journalctl -b -1 -e -k @Raevenant
RaevenantOP6mo ago
indeed it is: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=492428 That's got the journalctl stuff, though I just did journalctl -b -1
tulip🌷6mo ago
wait is that your bug report? cool!
RaevenantOP6mo ago
tulip🌷6mo ago
lemme check it out i wonder what is happening do you have the kernel dmesg logs? journalctl -b -1 -k
RaevenantOP6mo ago
not from that crash, but I have them from the last crash (literally my previous boot lmao)
tulip🌷6mo ago
its just complaining that its a kernel bug on the logs :p
tulip🌷6mo ago
could you dump that?
RaevenantOP6mo ago
there ya go
tulip🌷6mo ago
kinda funny how consistent that is
RaevenantOP6mo ago
yeah its insane literally Turn on Timberborn, turn off timberborn, crash
tulip🌷6mo ago
but like does that only happen on kde?
RaevenantOP6mo ago
dunno, haven't tried gnome I can layer that on if you want me to test it
tulip🌷6mo ago
i think that would be the best first-step to check out what the hell is happening like Xwayland coredumps kwin gets mad and your system crashes thats so weird what image are you on?
RaevenantOP6mo ago
looks like there's already a bug report for that speicific part of the issue
tulip🌷6mo ago
(tag in this case)
RaevenantOP6mo ago
The problem here is on the kernel driver side, mostly. When a GPU reset happens, Xwayland goes down, and KWin has some blocking calls to Xwayland, so it can hang. Getting rid of those blocking calls is something we can hopefully do at some point, see bug 442846 for that, but the GPU resets should be fixed as well, or the game will still crash. You can report that at https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/issues
Issues · Mesa / mesa · GitLab
Mesa 3D graphics library
RaevenantOP6mo ago
this was commented on my bug report like 10 min ago
tulip🌷6mo ago
oh LOL lemme see i wonder if it is xwayland + kwin being weird?
tulip🌷6mo ago
do you have gamescope on ur system? maybe running the game through gamescope might weild some other results
RaevenantOP6mo ago
yeah, seems like basically, the kernel shits itself, makes the GPU reset, killing xwayland. For whatever reason KWin hangs up when that happens I can try that, is that a flatpak or a ujust or smth?
tulip🌷6mo ago
maybe you already have it on ur system
RaevenantOP6mo ago
also, remind me how to get the tag? oh yep, it came instaleld
tulip🌷6mo ago
try opening a terminal and typing gamescope --help sweeet rpm-ostree status -v should return a ton of stuff about ur image
RaevenantOP6mo ago
so the proglem is. It's not happening right now for some stupid reason lmao so I can't test anything 😅 it happend 30/30 tries all day, and suddenly it's not happening
tulip🌷6mo ago
jesus christ this is the worst kind of bug ever
RaevenantOP6mo ago
oh I know lmao let me re-cable things to get the exact setup I had just a sec
tulip🌷6mo ago
wait do you have a broadcom wifi chip? weird the kernel dump is super goofy
RaevenantOP6mo ago
couldn't tell ya well actually I can, lemme look it up
tulip🌷6mo ago
Xwayland goes down, and KWin has some blocking calls to Xwayland, so it can hang.
bro.... try going into the game options and adding "gamescope" into the launch options
RaevenantOP6mo ago
looks like it's not
No description
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo6mo ago
Framework uses mediatek and Intel The latter is the better one
tulip🌷6mo ago
RaevenantOP6mo ago
I don't think I had an option when I put thogether the 16, so idk which one I've got XD
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo6mo ago
More than likely it's mediatek
tulip🌷6mo ago
apparently it is mediatek on the photo LOL
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo6mo ago
RaevenantOP6mo ago
wait why, is that possibly relavent, or just interested?
tulip🌷6mo ago
idk the "wl" driver just showed up on the kernel dump
RaevenantOP6mo ago
yeah, but you can buy a bunch of replacements on their website, so idk which one came default XD imagine this whole time, my graphics card issues are because of the internet lmao so right now though, I'm jacked in with ethernet, so the card isn't active well, assuming that's even how that works It's Ethernet-USBC Anker dock ok, we're back to the original buggy setup. USB-C DP Alt mode -> USB-C Input on 1st monitor -> DP Daisy Chain to second monitor
tulip🌷6mo ago
honestly like, i dont have any idea like why the hell your gpu driver segfaults when the gpu resets, but like, maybe using gamescope will be a patchwork solution for that for now
Xwayland goes down, and KWin has some blocking calls to Xwayland, so it can hang. Getting rid of those blocking calls is somet[...]
if you are running xwayland while not on kwin itll not bring everything down :p
RaevenantOP6mo ago
but of course, it's still not bugging out, so we're out of luck for continuing to debug unfortunately oh yeah, gamescope is a different compositor, yeah?
tulip🌷6mo ago
RaevenantOP6mo ago
oooooooooh, smart! I'll give that a go next time this happens and let you know. Good if I ping you about it?
tulip🌷6mo ago
if you just run gamescope nested itll kill gamescope but not kwin i think LOL yup its fine! just make sure to add the... the.... the thing gamescope on the game launch options
RaevenantOP6mo ago
yuppers! any particular args, or just the usual -w -W -h -H etc?
tulip🌷6mo ago
nah! honestly maybe that wont work but lets see
RaevenantOP6mo ago
Thanks a bunch! Having someone take a look is honestly a huge relief 😅 I've been having this issue for months, ever since KWin 6.1.2 came out
tulip🌷6mo ago
jeeez thats the worst
RaevenantOP6mo ago
I think it's somehow a kwin specific bug, since on Nobara, if I downgraded to KWin 6.1.1, the bugs went away
tulip🌷6mo ago
like it can be so many weird things oooooh you couldve done a bisect to figure that out
RaevenantOP6mo ago
idk what a bisect is well, I know what one is in general but not in this case like, not in the context of packages
tulip🌷6mo ago
literally the general thing just like testing 6.1.X breaks or not and then narrowing down till we get a commit that makes everything break
RaevenantOP6mo ago
OH that's exactly what I did more or less 😄
tulip🌷6mo ago
(probably some regression or someything)
RaevenantOP6mo ago
downgraded plasma-workspace, kwin, and plasma-desktop, then suddenly wondered to myself if it was all or just one of those
tulip🌷6mo ago
oh LOL
RaevenantOP6mo ago
upgraded them one by one, until eventually kwin broke it
tulip🌷6mo ago
ye!!!! i wonder what regression made it break
RaevenantOP6mo ago
beats me XD
tulip🌷6mo ago
like whats the last-known good release? 6.1.1?
RaevenantOP6mo ago
6.1.1 for sure well, idk I wasn't able to upgrade to 6.1.2 I skipped that one lmao
tulip🌷6mo ago
oh LOL shouldve tested that out!
RaevenantOP6mo ago
but 6.1.3 definately breaks it on accident XD
tulip🌷6mo ago
RaevenantOP6mo ago
I had waited a bit to upgrade and it just skipped a package lmao, then when on 6.1.3, doing a dnf downgrade dropped down to 6.1.1, so idk
tulip🌷6mo ago
one of these releases broke it
No description
RaevenantOP6mo ago
also could've been all the way up at 6.1.3, but yeah
tulip🌷6mo ago
since the releases arent thaaaaat far apart it shouldnt be impossible to figure out LOL but like honestly maybe you should test out GNOME if that happens again just to see if its actually kwin crapping out
RaevenantOP6mo ago
yeah XD I'll try gamescope first, then gnome
tulip🌷6mo ago
RaevenantOP6mo ago
oh here's a question actually. So the original reason I switched to kde (apart from not liking Gnome's style in general) was because in X11, there was a very slight additional input lag that Gnome had over KDE. Is that still the case on wayland? on KDE you could turn of compositing entirely, so I had added that to the gamescope arguments
tulip🌷6mo ago
i havent used X11 enough to have any idea what to tell ya :( x11 was always kinda laggy on my machine for some reason probably the latest GNOME is gonna be fine with that
RaevenantOP6mo ago
X11 straight up won't boot on mine XD
tulip🌷6mo ago
but like im interested in something like how long have you been using linux? you seem quite ingrained in the ecossystem honestly
RaevenantOP6mo ago
also, what this means is that clearly you're the better IT professional. My PC recognized your power over Discord and started working when you looked at it like 6 years haha
tulip🌷6mo ago
LOL gotta love these schrodinger's bugs nice! i havent been for quite as long but its pretty cool to see that! did you like bazzite?
RaevenantOP6mo ago
I followed the entire journey from
what is this linux thing? Seems neat
oh, the terminal is actually pretty awesome tbh
ubuntu -> mint -> ubuntu -> manjaro -> arch
holy crap its fun to use i3 and just make my own DE that's all my own
... uhh. Actually I kina just want a system that freaking works when I need it to
Fedora -> Nobara -> Bazzite
so far so good! I actually installed Bazzite last night XD Took like 4 hours to migrate my Nobara installation over pretty cleanly, (including the bugs unfortunately lmao, I was trying to run from them)
tulip🌷6mo ago
im still on the i3 phase LOL
RaevenantOP6mo ago
but I've got my dev environments in distroboxes, I've got 1Password working with fingerprint and SSH hey, when it works, it works!
tulip🌷6mo ago
im in a super weird setup but gotta love those im sure ur gonna like bazzite
RaevenantOP6mo ago
and lets be honest, when shit hits the fan, it's the i3 vim-ninjas that usually know what's happening XD
tulip🌷6mo ago
its pretty nice having a simple setup because you really really can know what the hell is happening at all times
RaevenantOP6mo ago
oh for sure. I had a setup that was pretty slick, and I even learned to use XMonad, which was a trip but eventually, I just went to an "all defaults only" kind of solution hahaha change as little as possible on my system so that it's easier to know whats going on when something breaks
tulip🌷6mo ago
oh ofc! makes sense honestly
RaevenantOP6mo ago
btw, did you happen to see this video at the top? This is what I've been dealing with XD
tulip🌷6mo ago
oh! didnt see it lemme see what the hell its like working on the other monitor...? wha.... thats so weird what
RaevenantOP6mo ago
oh it's not even that I tried to do a screen recording so that I could add it to the bug report so I captured the screen (not the game) and instead of recording what was happening, it recorded waht should have been happening but only the mouse was rendering properly on the screen I was trying to play on
tulip🌷6mo ago
oh that narrows it down a bit it just must be a kwin bug
RaevenantOP6mo ago
so it's like, something weird where the actual visual data is still occuring, and whatever graphics pipeline OBS taps into to record is still sending it, but the monitor doesn't receive it properly
tulip🌷6mo ago
yeah its so so so so weird
RaevenantOP6mo ago
I really hope so
tulip🌷6mo ago
the GPU driver works fine! even the other screen works fine unless you are using a capture card or something?
RaevenantOP6mo ago
nope, no capture card! It's just OBS and yeah, the laptop monitor works fine too
tulip🌷6mo ago
kwin is exploding trying to send the commits to the other monitor
RaevenantOP6mo ago
ALSO also, the bug doesn't happen if I use my HDMI port on the side of the laptop, just the DP Alt-mode USBC cable on the back of my GPU the HDMI port on the side is still technically USBC though, meaning it's still DP alt-mode, it's just connected to the motherboard instead of the GPU soooo yeah 😂 a real fun bug, that's for sure I gtg grab dinner, but thank you, thank you!! It's an insane relief having someone take as much time as you have to help me out 🙏
tulip🌷6mo ago
what a mess LOL ill be here for a while! most likely asynchronously but ill be here
RaevenantOP6mo ago
tulip🌷6mo ago
no fucking way LOL NO WAY
RaevenantOP6mo ago
No description
tulip🌷6mo ago
ooooooooh i dont remember how to fix that
RaevenantOP6mo ago
looks like powering through does work, but I'd still love to not have it do that XD
tulip🌷6mo ago
i remember running into that at some point oh yeah LOL but like is the game working fine? like not breaking your entire pc
RaevenantOP6mo ago
it does! (well, in the 20 seconds I tried it), and nope, quitting worked just fine, so it's still working 😄 yep, no bricks here
tulip🌷6mo ago
at the very least thats better LOL
RaevenantOP6mo ago
gamescope -H 1080 -f --force-grab-cursor oh yeah so much better hey, do you know how to make the mouse speed not change inside gamescope? It's slower inside gamescope for some reason
tulip🌷6mo ago
you probably dont need the --force-grab-cursor thing
RaevenantOP6mo ago
unfortunately, I do 😭 when playing GW2, the mouse escapes the game
tulip🌷6mo ago
i havent ever changed mouse speed on gamescope tho oh weird?
RaevenantOP6mo ago
tulip🌷6mo ago
wait are you running gamescope nested or the gamescope session?
RaevenantOP6mo ago
uhhhhhhhh idk MANGOHUD=1 DRI_PRIME=1 DXVK_ASYNC=1 gamescope -H 1080 -f -- gamemoderun %command% -provider Portal
tulip🌷6mo ago
when ur running the game, are- oh ur nested thats good yea its fine also bazzite has the BORE scheduler, you dont need the gamemoderun thing anymore
RaevenantOP6mo ago
oh sick 😄 I'll still use it tho, since I actually use gamemoderun to modify my fan profiles in-game XD
tulip🌷6mo ago
and from what i know to use mangohud on gamescope you gotta use the --mangoapp flag now?? idk whats the proper thing tho
RaevenantOP6mo ago
oh TRUE I forgot about that. Lemme do that
tulip🌷6mo ago
wait you have a nvidia gpu?
RaevenantOP6mo ago
but yeah weird enough, when I add the --force-grab-cursor thing, the mouse slows down by maybe 10-15% no? which flag do I apparetnly not need XD
tulip🌷6mo ago
you dont need DRI_PRIME i think
RaevenantOP6mo ago
oh, probly not, that's left over from Nobara. It's an AMD thing too
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo6mo ago
don't need dri_prime dxvk_async is dead gamemoderun is detremental to performance on modern CPUs
tulip🌷6mo ago
LOL gotta love the completely deprecated command then
RaevenantOP6mo ago
yeah serious
tulip🌷6mo ago
gamescope --mangoapp -W 1920 -H 1080 -w 1920 -h 1080 -f --force-grab-cursor -- %command% -provider Portal :P you need the -w / -h flags to force the game to actually use the proper resolution many games ive tested get super fuzzy? idk, weird somehow when running without those flags
RaevenantOP6mo ago
according to the documentation, -w/-h should default to whatever -H/-W are, and if you don't specify -W, it assumes 16:9. But honestly the number of times their documentations been wrong 😅
tulip🌷6mo ago
its just that ive seen some of my games looking kinda weird without those probably isnt necessary but i usually put those
RaevenantOP6mo ago
certainly shouldn't hurt looks like gamescope's got a -s flag that can manually modify the mouse speed, so I'll probly just add that when necessary
tulip🌷6mo ago
oh! nice!
RaevenantOP6mo ago
now I just gota figure out exactly how much slower it is 😅 OH I think --force-grab-cursor just fails to apply modifications made by the OS. In this case, I chose 40% faster on KDE, so I bet 1.4 works on gamescope
tulip🌷6mo ago
oh yeah!!! idk like it works fine on mine? idk why it doenst grab yours
RaevenantOP6mo ago
yeah beats me but like first-person games, the mouse just flies off the window and stops working shrug still better than the linux equivilant of BSOD yeah 1.4 is perfect so I was using gamemoderun to activate/deactivate my fan profiles while in-game. Is there an alternative?
tulip🌷6mo ago
how did it do that tho? afaik gamemoderun doesnt have a gui right?
RaevenantOP6mo ago
if you modify the ~/.config/gameode.ini file, theres a custom commands section at the bottom where you can just run whatever you want to trigger before and after gameplay
tulip🌷6mo ago
cool!!! what are the commands tho you could probably just put like cooler_thing && gamescope
RaevenantOP6mo ago
oh, I have a framework laptop, so in my case fw-fanctrl set medium yeah, that could work honestly
tulip🌷6mo ago
but like there must be a way to set that through kde window rules like getting any gamescope window and setting fw-fanctrl to whatever right? idk how window rules work LOL sorry or like a kwin script maybe?
RaevenantOP6mo ago
oh beats me, maybe? I haven't touched kwin since the bugs started, since I assumed I borked it by changing something haha
tulip🌷6mo ago
oh you know what you can do you can put a script in /usr/local/bin that does the window control for you automatically
#!/usr/bin/env bash
reset_fan() {
fw-fanctrl set lazy
trap reset_fan EXIT
fw-fanctrl set medium
#!/usr/bin/env bash
reset_fan() {
fw-fanctrl set lazy
trap reset_fan EXIT
fw-fanctrl set medium
put that on /usr/local/bin/fan-control-script then use fan-control-script gamescope --mangoapp -W 1920 -H 1080 -w 1920 -h 1080 -f --force-grab-cursor -- %command% -provider Portal as the command
RaevenantOP6mo ago
lmao, this was because I was running mangohud in the unsupported way. Using --mangoapp instead fixed it
tulip🌷6mo ago
you could even make it a bit more general actually
RaevenantOP6mo ago
yeah, just remove the gamescope bit, then I can spin my fans up with the script whenever I want
tulip🌷6mo ago
sweet! there you go
RaevenantOP6mo ago
I assume I could putt fw-fanctrl set lazy after the $@ to put them back after, ye?
tulip🌷6mo ago
the reset_fan thing already takes care of that for you
RaevenantOP6mo ago
oh, what's trap do?
tulip🌷6mo ago
whenever the script exits itll run reset_fan
RaevenantOP6mo ago
woah new bash-magic, I love it
tulip🌷6mo ago
trap is for running something whenver a signal is called for bash LOL
RaevenantOP6mo ago
oh, so it'll run regardless of a successful run?
tulip🌷6mo ago
if something goes wrong delete the entire root there you go LOL yup!
RaevenantOP6mo ago
this is the way
tulip🌷6mo ago
censoring that command so that no one will run that
tulip🌷6mo ago
not exactly the best solution but it kinda works right
RaevenantOP6mo ago
well yeah
tulip🌷6mo ago
probably they will fix this regression eventually on kwin
RaevenantOP6mo ago
it's a workaround, since the real solution is basically a KDE bug
tulip🌷6mo ago
RaevenantOP6mo ago
thanks so much, that's such a clean workaround too, just stick gamescope --mangoapp -H 1080 -f --force-grab-cursor -s 1.4 -- in front of literally all my games and I'll never have an issue 😂
tulip🌷6mo ago
honestly like
RaevenantOP6mo ago
well, knock on wood, I shouldn't have said that out loud lmao
tulip🌷6mo ago
in my system i dont even let steam be on the root xwayland instance check this out
❯ cat (which xsteam | get path.0)
gamescope -W 1920 -H 1080 -w 1920 -h 1080 -f -e flatpak run com.valvesoftware.Steam
❯ cat (which xsteam | get path.0)
gamescope -W 1920 -H 1080 -w 1920 -h 1080 -f -e flatpak run com.valvesoftware.Steam
RaevenantOP6mo ago
oh nice, you gamescope steam as a whole?
tulip🌷6mo ago
yup! it just works better in general on the environment im on you can just patch the steam desktop file if you wanna do that try running steam like that and see if it is better for you somehow (just make sure to remove gamescope from the games' arguments)
RaevenantOP6mo ago
-e is designed for running steam in gamescope, right?
tulip🌷6mo ago
yup! without that it breaks gamescope LOL
RaevenantOP6mo ago
perf, I'll give that a go, thanks 😄
tulip🌷6mo ago
fan-control-script gamescope -W 1920 -H 1080 -w 1920 -h 1080 -f -e steam would be your command
RaevenantOP6mo ago
well, I'll give it a go when I'm feeling adventurous again 😅 I need to take a break after all this lmao
tulip🌷6mo ago
fair!! i hope it works fine just make sure to ping me whenever you wanna mess around with that :p
RaevenantOP6mo ago
thanks a bunch again! 😄 Absolute legend I will!
tulip🌷6mo ago
have fun!!!
RaevenantOP6mo ago
I sent a FR so I can remember 😂
tulip🌷6mo ago
accepted it
RaevenantOP6mo ago
also, it seems like the not-grabbing-mouse thing is a known issue. Apparently new versions of proton changed some mouse protocols and gamescope hasn't caught up yet
tulip🌷6mo ago
oh! so its gonna get fixed eventually, sweet! whats ur gamescope version? gamescope --version
RaevenantOP6mo ago
[gamescope] [Info] console: gamescope version 3.15.5+
tulip🌷6mo ago
not the best idea but you could try downgrading your version till it gets fixed on the newer ones
RaevenantOP6mo ago
not sure I can tbh, gamescope came with Bazzite, so Ithink it's layered in
tulip🌷6mo ago
the --force-grab thing fixes it soooo..... you can just download a gamescope version and put it in /usr/local/bin
RaevenantOP6mo ago
oh tru that's more trouble than it's worth I think 😂
tulip🌷6mo ago
idk if there are precompiled static binaries tho :p ye LOL probably!
RaevenantOP6mo ago
I too am very prone to just trying random shit tho 😂
tulip🌷6mo ago
from what im seeing you would need to compile the thing from source (too much hassle for nothing)
RaevenantOP6mo ago
oof, yeah definately not worth lol I avoid compile from source at almost any cost hahaha
tulip🌷6mo ago
honestly when you have a good build system its super easy
RaevenantOP6mo ago
oh fair
tulip🌷6mo ago
gentoo makes it super easy to do that for example
RaevenantOP6mo ago
honestly too, with distrobox, I betchu it's super clean to do that too since the main reason I avoid it is to not have leftover build libraries
tulip🌷6mo ago
oh! so probably distrobox would be super sweet for you then! LOL compile, get your binary, then throw the box in the trash. there you go! super sweet isnt it
RaevenantOP6mo ago
oh yeah, it's nutty cool
This was a rollercoaster. I think I am experiencing the same issue as you The display is going black and the system hangs for a bit but then the whole desktop will do a hard restart. Just tried the workaround though and it is still crashing
tulip🌷6mo ago
do you have any logs? journalctl -b -1 -e and journalctl -b -1 -e -k maybe its being caused by some other thing if it is a graphics driver issue at the absolute worst case you can just install flatpak steam and test if your thing still crashes
I will definitely try this the journalctl logs I have posted in the GitHub issue for this on bazzites repo But when I get back to my desktop I’ll send them here too for continuity
tulip🌷6mo ago
oh! ill check out the issues
RaevenantOP6mo ago
might be a good idea to open a new thread then if it's a different issue just to keep this one clear and single-issue if possible
Alright will do! Sorry about that as I was thinking that this was the same initially
RaevenantOP6mo ago
no worries at all! 😄 If it turns out to be a variation of this one, for sure it's the right place for it are you JustAChucklin on Github?
Yep Yep
RaevenantOP6mo ago
I created another discussion to be safe if this is intruding on this topic https://discordapp.com/channels/1072614816579063828/1285021394047860757
RaevenantOP6mo ago
LMAO DUDE @tulip turning off the steam overlay also fixes it without gamescope 😂 it's a steam bug! well, steam+wayland I guess
tulip🌷6mo ago
oh amazing LOL honestly the steam overlay is so buggy god damnnnnnnnnn
RaevenantOP6mo ago
honestly though, idk if it even matters XD turning off steam overlay and using gamescope (which has a broken steam overlay) are literally the same thingg at t his point https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=492830
RaevenantOP6mo ago
Atomic Commit Failed when Gaming (#2075) · Issues · drm / amd · Git...
Brief summary of the problem: When playing games on KDE Wayland the game would freeze but not crashed.. so it like...
RaevenantOP6mo ago
just for bug references 👆
Raevenant6mo ago
Better workaround is to put KWIN_DRM_NO_DIRECT_SCANOUT=1 into /etc/environment and then reboot. There is a small hit to performance (I haven't noticed any hit, but KDE says there is), but the issue is now completely gone. I don't have to use gamescope and I can turn the steam overlay back on too
tulip🌷6mo ago
god damn! very nice! i never knew this was even a thing very good to know!!!

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