Any good ways to practice aim?
Things like “aimlabs” or “just practice” arent rly what im looking for, more like an actual tutorial or guide, if possible.
15 Replies
Only think I can suggest is to stop playing guns that can spray for like a.month
think YouTube would be better for this
I'd suggest woojin or sum like that
the pro bananna
3 deathmatches only aim head and play like its a real game
Ehh wohoojin no need tbh
they are over complicating it
no one would have the dedication to follow it
so, any suggestions?
told ya, play sherrif marshal guardian outlaw shotguns ghost
just play 3 deathmaches only aim head and play lie its a real game
ive tried i cant get a shot off. i get maybe three kills
sherrif and guardian is ok no need shotguns marshal outlaw and ghost
^ sherrif and guardian are the best but not every1 has the playstyle, marshal i dont see why u have an issue with that, outlaw is pretty good for tracking bodies, ghost just as a saving gun, and i added shotgun so he doesnt think he HAS to buy only those guns because well in some situations obv shotguns are gnna be much better, but you are right sherrif and guardian are the best for learning headshots
I understand youre reasoning but Sherrif and guardian are best for long term and will help you improve more
fix sitting posture and adjust ur monitor height and distance
trust me this fixes most of ur aim
make sure ur resting ur arm properly upon the table while aiming