DNS records are deleted... I need help

I changed the nameservers about 8 days ago to connect the website to cloudflare and set the nameservers. I did this to use the SSL certificate by Cloudflare. Now the DNS records are gone, the emails from the mailbox are gone… Please help me
7 Replies
DarkDeviL6mo ago
What domain?
bartallawwOP6mo ago
DarkDeviL6mo ago
The name servers for bartallaw.com does not point to Cloudflare, but to ns05.domaincontrol.com & ns06.domaincontrol.com. In addition, both the naked domain, as well as the www, is pointing directly towards Go Daddy.
bartallawwOP6mo ago
Yes, beause I changed the nameservers now
DarkDeviL6mo ago
That way it won't be possible to dig in to, and possibly figure out what went wrong with your attempted set up. From what I can see though, it looks like the mentioned domain may have been attempted to be added in 3 different accounts, which could be related to the issue(s) you've had... E.g. you've been suspecting that you were logged in to the correct account, although you were not.. Only one (1) out of the apparent three (3) different accounts had MX records set, which was pointing the inbound email traffic towards Google Workspace. That said, - if you decide to try again at some point, and are then experiencing issues again, you can eventually re-open the case.
bartallawwOP6mo ago
So if I add the previous MX records, will this issue be resolved or not?
DarkDeviL6mo ago
If your set up was breaking down alone because of missing one or some DNS record(s), such as e.g. failure to copying over records, then adding them back might be able to help. From the initial message, where you wrote:
the emails from the mailbox are gone…
If your email program was connecting to the host name "imap.example.com", and you didn't copy over the record(s) for "imap", that would break the connection between your email program and the mail server. Two different email programs may act differently in a such situation, such as e.g. it may appear in some email programs like all the emails are gone - because it won't show anything, if it cannot connect (properly) to the mail server, even if they are still hiding on the mail server that it cannot reach. The lack of DNS record(s) wouldn't on it's own remove the emails from the mailbox. So if the emails are really gone (even after adding the DNS record(s) back exactly as they were before), then it isn't the DNS record(s) that caused the issue(s), but something else. Things such as e.g. lost messages would be something you need to dig in to together with your email provider.

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