Weird key mapping problem on GPD Win 4 (6800U)

Got bazzite installed on my GPD Win 4 (went remarkably smoothly for me trying a distro I'd never used before. Usually I hit a few bumps but this was smooth) In deck mode the left analogue stick does nothing, the start/select/etc buttons do nothing, the d-pad seems to send what I THINK is page up/page down (alas, this means not in X for it's deck mode so I can't see what scancode it's ACTUALLY sending), and the lettered buttons are what actually navigate. I do not have any other buttons functioning aside from these (and the keyboard. touchscreen works fine) I tried a BIOS update, tried fresh installs, tried installing every OS update but it doesn't seem to help. I am hoping it's a simple remapping needing done and nothing real weird. (if it is, I am not afraid of linux weirdness) Can't find anyone else reporting this issue on anywhere.
3 Replies
Aru6mo ago
and you're in controller mode, not mouse mode? there's a hardware switch on the left side of the device I have a GPD Win 4 6800u on Bazzite, can't replicate your issue
gewtOP6mo ago
turns out it was actually simply that switch. simple resolution makes me happy but now i feel real dumb lmao
Aru6mo ago
better for it to be a simple mistake vs something genuinely bad lol

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