mfad7mo ago

How do you create multiple summer outfits?

I guess if you have two colors of shirts and two colors of shorts then you get four outfits. Is this what you all do?
1 Reply
zeometer7mo ago
that is one way, yes but not how i do it i (personally) start with some questions - what am i doing, what's the weather like, how much effort do i want to give and am i inspired by any given thing? that thinking to me narrows down the choice of items into what i think best fits in that given situation and then i usually eye test it - if i see it in a mirror and go "eh that's not great" i'll usually change something there's more than one way to approach this - only owning the same shirt and shorts so there's no choice, working through permutations as you've described, copying someone else's fit that you've seen, some variation that i described, or something else still and there's no right or wrong answer as long as you're okay with it; the first few links in #fashion-guides get into this in more detail

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