Riot Client Login Error
I keep getting this error, i have tried everything on youtube. I even tried using another account and same error. Nothing is getting through. If it does go through it automatically closes the client and shows the error again.

29 Replies
I think the servers are having issues I have been getting this error too
Thats what im seeing somewhat, but I have friends currently playing. Support also hasn't mentioned anything. Websites also so no outage
I wonder if it is only for people who weren’t in the game I tried it on a friends computer who was logged in but it wouldn’t let me in the game it kept telling me to restart the client
i am also getting this error, tried all online guides nothing is working
how do yall sign in?
the client
i tried using google like usual=nothing, i tried manual for a diff account and also nothing
yeah i tried google but mine just times out
It was previously signed in you can’t sign in right now for some reason
It’s really annoying
im wondering if its specific login methods or overall
its super weird I just played a few hours ago
i was logged in
but it wouldnt let me lock a hero in and kicked me out then wouldnt let me queue
Yeah I tried every log in method none work right now
no ban messages etc, heard my teammates etc
so i figured relog, and now im here
i was logged into the client but when i tried launching the game it wouldn't launch and just say to restart the client
Yeah it is super weird I’m sure it’s a small problem and will be fixed soon
then when i logged out i couldnt get back in
you think theyd mention it somewhere
you would think
idk ive seen that before and I just had to try again
and it worked
I've tried over and over again for the last hour
open command prompt as administrator and type these commands in order.
then reboot the pc```Also use ur username and password to login
there are over 1200 reports on Down Detector for Valorant
I just got logged in. I didn't do anything different - just kept trying to login.
same here
it mostly happens on an inconsistent Internet
no, there were over 1200 reports on Down Detector for Valorant NA server starting at 9:00 p.m. EDT lol
There were 0 before then
probably a server issue but jst saying this happens a Lott on bad wifi
It was 100% a server issue. Error 7 is a server issue.
rito games done it again dont care about it its not our problem