I tried to create worksheet using Import

I tried to create worksheet using Import TML, getting 500 back { "metadata_tmls": [ "worksheet": { "name": "testdataset2WS", "description": "testdataset2", "tables": [ { "name": "testdataset2" } ], "table_paths": [ { "id": "testdataset2_1", "table": "testdataset2", "join_path": [ {} ] } ], "worksheet_columns": [ ,{ "name": "name", "column_id": "testdataset2::name", "properties": { "column_type": "ATTRIBUTE", "index_type": "DONT_INDEX" } } ], "properties": { "is_bypass_rls": false, "join_progressive": true } } }], "import_policy": "ALL_OR_NONE", "create_new": true }
80 Replies
utsav.kapoor7mo ago
@rohitkanchan - Did you use V2 Playground to see if this is working or you are getting the same error ?
rohitkanchanOP7mo ago
Yes I created ticket too Logged this support case Case No. 00372437 I need support for this, it is a blocker for our implementation
shikharTS7mo ago
@rohitkanchan how did you create this worksheet? We do have a issue going around here and the workaround is not very pretty but it should help for you
rohitkanchanOP7mo ago
I m creating worksheet using sql view, and i created this programmatically I have hard coded tml, but replacing values with dynamic values What issue is going on? And what is the work around
Sandeep7mo ago
Hi @rohitkanchan : If you are doing this programmatically, there should be no issues. Looks like you are passing metadata_tmls : [JsonObject] which is incorrect. Here is the sample how the values should be passed in metadata_tmls metadata_tmls : [String] "metadata_tmls": "["worksheet": {"name": "testdataset2WS","description": "testdataset2","tables": [{"name": "testdataset2"}],"table_paths": [{"id": "testdataset2_1","table": "testdataset2","join_path": [{}]}],"worksheet_columns": [{"name": "name","column_id": "testdataset2::name","properties": {"column_type": "ATTRIBUTE","index_type": "DONT_INDEX"}}],"properties": {"is_bypass_rls": false,"join_progressive": true}}]";
rohitkanchanOP7mo ago
I m not passing jsonobject Its tml which i was passing
Sandeep7mo ago
Can we connect over zoom call to discuss this now?
rohitkanchanOP7mo ago
Do u think ur tml would work because i can try that from develop tab Sure I can connect Is there a link?
Sandeep7mo ago
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rohitkanchanOP7mo ago
https://meet.google.com/wai-kstc-nct Hi Sandeep, let me know when can u join The json which u gave also failed
Sandeep7mo ago
Hi @rohitkanchan : Here is the summary for today morning's call: - We tested the API on the playground using both YAML and JSON formats, and it worked as expected. There are no issues with the API itself. - However, when tried integrating the API into their Java code, they encountered some parsing issues related to strings, JSON, or YAML. We spent about 15-20 minutes reviewing the code but couldn’t identify the problem, due to some errands we had to drop from the call. @bill_da_golfer /@shikharTS : Could you please assist Rahul in the PST hours so that this is unblocked.
rohitkanchanOP7mo ago
I am looking for support today to get unblocked on this one Please let me know who can assist me and time as well
Sandeep7mo ago
@shikharTS : Could you please help here
shikharTS7mo ago
@rohitkanchan let us connect for this once you are available.
rohitkanchanOP7mo ago
@shikharTS lets connect at 11:30 am or 12 pm PST? Can u please share ur email, i will send u invite
rohitkanchanOP7mo ago
Sent u invite for 12 I joined google meet @shikharTS
shikharTS7mo ago
joining Summary for the call in PST hours : We are able to get the code working, all the JSON formatting issues are resolved. There is one other problem though, when we are trying to use the SQL view created via TML instantaneously to create a worksheet, we are getting an error code 14516 from TS. We will resolve this internally and provide an update to the customer.
rohitkanchanOP7mo ago
I tried even 3 seconds then also it failed So that time is mot certainly fixed Is there a way to know if safe to create worksheet or not @shikharTS any update regarding this
utsav.kapoor7mo ago
@rohitkanchan - We have raised this to another team who works on TML. I see that you have opened a support case for this too. The respective team will reply on the ticket.
rohitkanchanOP7mo ago
Okay sure, that team is not here in discord? Can u please tag them here
sainadh7mo ago
I have checked internally and they suggested to apply a tomcat change to avoid using sleep seconds. To apply this, we need 2 minutes of downtime for tomcat service restart. Please let me know when can I apply the change? You can test once change is applied.
rohitkanchanOP7mo ago
Please apply now
sainadh7mo ago
To Close the loop, this is resolved after applying the tomcat config change.
rohitkanchanOP6mo ago
Thanks everyone for helping Hi @shikharTS I am again facing tml issues This time with sql view Response is invalid yaml I did not change the format Just a different sql now I m getting again invalid yaml after formatting through library Here is my worksheet json TS Payload for Worksheet:{ "metadata_tmls": [ "{"worksheet": {\n "name": "testdataset2WS",\n "description": "testdataset2",\n "tables": [\n {\n "name": "testdataset2"\n }\n ],\n "table_paths": [\n {\n "id": "testdataset2_1",\n "table": "testdataset2",\n "join_path": [\n {}\n ]\n }\n ],\n "worksheet_columns": [{\n "name": "name",\n "column_id": "testdataset2_1::name",\n "properties": {\n "column_type": "ATTRIBUTE",\n "index_type": "DONT_INDEX"\n }\n },{\n "name": "amount",\n "column_id": "testdataset2_1::amount",\n "properties": {\n "column_type": "MEASURE",\n "index_type": "DONT_INDEX"\n "aggregation": "SUM"\n }\n },{\n "name": "isclosed",\n "column_id": "testdataset2_1::isclosed",\n "properties": {\n "column_type": "ATTRIBUTE",\n "index_type": "DONT_INDEX"\n }\n }],\n "properties": {\n "is_bypass_rls": false,\n "join_progressive": true\n }\n }}" ], "import_policy": "ALL_OR_NONE", "create_new": true, "all_orgs_context": false } This is really very painful and prone to errors
shikharTS6mo ago
Can you try the same using tml import API in playground?
rohitkanchanOP6mo ago
Okay trying that Same errkr Error When i removed MEASURE column it worked fine I don’t see any issues in measure column as well
shikharTS6mo ago
Can we import this TML through the TS UI? Maybe that will help identify the error?
rohitkanchanOP6mo ago
I did try that Same error Invalid yaml
shikharTS6mo ago
Lets have a call around this as well
rohitkanchanOP6mo ago
Can we have call around 11:30? I will send u invite Hi, i have a quick question if i import a metadata to update a sql with name already exists and isCreate false then it should update existing sql view and should not create new one right @shikharTS any insights, i tried this , it is creating new each time
bill_da_golfer6mo ago
@rohitkanchan Can you try this and make sure the GUID is the same as the target one? I think isCreate means that if the object with the GUID exists create a new one, not don't create a new one if the old one doesn't exist, i.e. force copy. If they did have the same name and that name is unique, I would have expected an update, though.
shikharTS6mo ago
@rohitkanchan it checks according to the GUID and not the name.
rohitkanchanOP6mo ago
I did try that Got another error
shikharTS6mo ago
What error did you get?
rohitkanchanOP6mo ago
Response of SQL View creation is <200,[{"response":{"status":{"error_message":"The following operations currently unsupporColumn name: amount, sql_output_col: amount. <br/> is only removed from column list. Column name: amount, sql_output_col: amount. <br/> should be removed from SQL query to be considered deleted. <br/>Column name: closedate, sql_output_col: closedate. <br/> is only removed from column list. Column name: closedate, sql_output_col: closedate. <br/> should be removed from SQL query to be considered deleted. <br/>Column name: isclosed, sql_output_col: isclosed. <br/> is only removed isclosed. <br/> should be removed from SQL query to be considered deleted. <br/>","status_code":"ERROR","error_code":14501}},"request_index":0}],[date:"Mon, 23 Sep 2024 22:09:36 GMT", content-type:"application/json", set-cookie:"rememberMe=deleteMe; Path=/callosum; Max-Age=0; Expires=Sun, 22-Sep-2024 22:09:36 GMT; SameSite=lax; secure; SameSite=None", "clientId=1dd2df8c-497d-480f-9c75-9c9dcbaaa922; Path=/; Secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=lax; SameSite=None", "rememberMe=deleteMe; Path=/callosum; Max-Age=0; Expires=Sun, 22-Sep-2024 22:09:36 GMT; SameSite=lax; secure; SameSite=None", x-callosum-incident-id:"79af93e4-a2a7-4db3-9c2f-a057b5f375af", x-callosum-request-time-us:"212653", x-callosum-trace-id:"5a591341-292a-4859-a6fb-de80d94bce7b", x-content-type-options:"nosniff", x-ua-compatible:"IE=edge", x-xss-protection:"1; mode=block", server:"ThoughtSpot", content-security-policy:"default-src 'self'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' https://mfe-cdn.thoughtspotdev.cloud https://mfe-cdn.thoughtspotstaging.cloud https://mfe-cdn.thoughtspot.cloud https://docs.thoughtspot.com https://cdn.segment.com https://cdn.mxpnl.com https://api.segment.io https://*.intercom.io/ https://js.intercomcdn.com/ https://*.wistia.com https://*.wistia.net https://pendo-io-static.storage.googleapis.com https://cdn.pendo.io https://app.pendo.io https://data.pendo.io https://pendo-static- I am passing updated sql
shikharTS6mo ago
I think you need to pass the column names as well in the TML. Just updated SQL will not work
rohitkanchanOP6mo ago
Huhhh Why
shikharTS6mo ago
If you download from TS UI even there it shows the column names as well, that is just how it is stored in TS..
rohitkanchanOP6mo ago
How do i add new columns
shikharTS6mo ago
TML for SQL views | ThoughtSpot Cloud
Use TML to modify SQL views in a flat-file format. Then, migrate the view to a different cluster, or restore it to the same cluster.
rohitkanchanOP6mo ago
Other way which i m using is create new sql view and update worksheet with new sql view Then delete old sql view
shikharTS6mo ago
That might be time taking. Maybe you can download the old sql view TML and edit that only to update the sql view
rohitkanchanOP6mo ago
I went with my approach for now The approach which you mentioned, in that i have parse sql which we are not doing today I have another quick question, would be easy one for you guys, i have live boards and answers, i want to share those only with given groups, i want other groups wont see that How can we do that while creating liveboard or answers @shikharTS any thoughts for this?
shikharTS6mo ago
After creating these liveboards/answers you can use the share API to share them just with those groups.
rohitkanchanOP6mo ago
Okay, sure i will check with Nikhil if he call our backend api after that from UI Quick question if we search user in embed cluster like ours, without passing orgid, would it search in all orgs?
shikharTS6mo ago
So you search without the orgId, if you want to search across all orgs, get the token with orgId 0. Replied the same on mail
rohitkanchanOP6mo ago
Alright thx Hi, i created a support ticket for user which i created through ui and given administrator access of primary org, when that user is accessing other orgs through embed, they are seeing user does not have access while from ui user can access all other orgs Support ticket response is this Noticed that you are not using JIT user creation with the token flow, and uses secret key to retrieve the token. I noticed on the call that you mentioned you create users using the API. Please correct me if I am wrong, I suppose that the issue was due to creds being same in embed as well as TS. And since the user is a valid user in ThoughtSpot, whenever they try to login by going to the actual ThoughtSpot instance it will work since the creds are valid. Would it work for your use case to consider changing the user password to be different for embed logins than that in the actual ThoughtSpot cluster? Also since this is more of an implementation question/task, I would also like to request you to consider joining the TS developer discord, we have our experts there who can help you on everything related to embeddin
shikharTS6mo ago
While initilizing in embed, we mention orgId, I think that is the org which they will have access to. How are you initializing the TS embed app. Also we are seeing very high activity for v2/auth/token in the TS cluster. Are you fetching token even when the user is successfully authenticated in TS? This will result in performance degradation @rohitkanchan
rohitkanchanOP6mo ago
@shikharTS we are fetching token for each api call we make from backend, which should be minimum. Let me know if you can jump on a call. According to my understanding Administrator access in primary org should have access to all orgs and everything
shikharTS6mo ago
Sure lets get on a call I don't think we should be doing v2/auth/token call everytime
rohitkanchanOP6mo ago
Sending you google meet invite I joined google meet which i sent you over email
shikharTS6mo ago
@rohitkanchan you might need to assign orgs to the users for them to see the content of other orgs. Are you doing that?
rohitkanchanOP6mo ago
Hi quick question, during search i see only user can select one table fields and others grayed out, what is the reason for that if multi select for ans is enabled @shikharTS any thoughts ?
utsav.kapoor6mo ago
This happens if thhere is no Joins between these tables
rohitkanchanOP6mo ago
Okay thanks Another quick question: lets say of i unshare a worksheet with a user but worksheet is still shared with the group user belongs too, user would be able to see the worksheet? @shikharTS any thoughts I have another question, lets say if i created a connection and i have created a liveboard using that connection, is it okay to update that connection Is there any impact?
shikharTS6mo ago
1st question : yes the user would be able to see the worksheet. 2nd yes it is okay to update the connection. Also please direct these questions to your SRE and they will have a CSM help you out with these questions. We mostly support discord for queries related to embed questions and code.
rohitkanchanOP6mo ago
Okay, last question @shikharTS , how do i add limit for the number of records returned in search
shikharTS6mo ago
There is a back end flag for it.
rohitkanchanOP6mo ago
Okay thx, so i need to log a support ticket? There is no keyword like limit in sqls
shikharTS6mo ago
yes I think there should be.
rohitkanchanOP6mo ago
Okay I just found top, did not find limit Another question @shikharTS is have logged a ticket where an api is failing, ur support team is saying get help here Case number 00374783 How can i get faster help on that
shikharTS6mo ago
Can you post the error here? I can help you out here
rohitkanchanOP6mo ago
I searched a group using group name but group now found Then code tried to create a group with same name but then got error that name already exists Strange right Search should have returned existing group
shikharTS6mo ago
The group might be present in a different org. Try getting a token from that org and use that token to search for that group.
rohitkanchanOP6mo ago
I m using same token to search n create And it should be present in that group Will be able to jump on a call on Monday, i can show u in our logs
shikharTS5mo ago
Sure lets get on a call today?
rohitkanchanOP5mo ago
Can you do it tomorrow morning around at 11 am
shikharTS5mo ago
I think the SRE scheduled a call
rohitkanchanOP5mo ago
@shikharTS the solution which u told regarding permission, i m facing challenge related to that Can we jump on a call Or anyone can help me Question , if a user belongs to group x and creates a liveboard then it should be accessible by all user of that group @Sandeep , @utsav.kapoor any one in IST timezone
shikharTS5mo ago
Can you forward these questions to the CSM, they should be able to help you with these queries.. Ask on the support ticket to get you connected to a CSM.. I will ask @Nanditha internally as well
rohitkanchanOP5mo ago
There is lot of confusion, when i open support ticket they say ask here and when i ask here you guys redirect me back there Question i asked is supposed to happen but i m seeing that is not what is happening
shikharTS5mo ago
I see let me try to repro this tomorrow.
rohitkanchanOP5mo ago
Do u have few mins to jump on call again tomorrow morning around 10:30 am PST I can send you invite We can try to solve and brainstorm these problems together
shikharTS5mo ago
Sure lets meet at 10:30am
rohitkanchanOP5mo ago
Okay, let me send u invite
shikharTS5mo ago
@rohitkanchan when did you see
{id} not found corresponding to the user_identifier
{id} not found corresponding to the user_identifier
error last according to your logs? I am not able to find this error in the logs for the past 4 days atleast @rohitkanchan so I tried to repro the issue, I think I know what might be happening. You cannot create group in other orgs using the primary org token. If you are using a primary org token and the user is present in the different org, the user search will return the correct result but creating a group will give this error of
{id} not found
{id} not found
. Trying the same thing with the token of an org in which this user is present allows to create the group and does not throw an error Can you please check your code to make sure to set the correct org while you are calling the /auth/token?
rohitkanchanOP5mo ago
@shikharTS i have to check code but why second time it is working? Second time same thing works fine? And why error is about user and not about authentication token
shikharTS5mo ago
I do not think the 2nd time same thing will work. If you try to create a group for a user in a different org using a primary org token, it will always throw an error. 2nd time are you creating a group in the primary org? Only then will it work. The error is about the user because it can't find the user from the org for which you have created the token. We cannot give the error about the token to the user as it will be not secure, the token is fine by itself, but the user being searched is of a different org.
rohitkanchanOP5mo ago
Okay thx, i think i understand why it works second time, i will change token before creating group in code, will test today @shikharTS i think you found the root cause, i tested in non prod, it seems to be working there Now only issue which we are looking for is permission issue which i talked about over call

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