SSL handshake failed Error code 525

Hi All, I have my domain pointing to hostinger where my website is hosted and I am receiving the Error code 525. I have added the relevant CAA and A DNS records. I have also checked Not sure what else could be the problem. Any ideas?
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5 Replies
Ayaan이안6mo ago
net::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID. You have configured SSL for other domains on 153~~
AdamOP6mo ago
Thanks Minsu, I had to purge cache and enable flexible ssl. It now works.
Chaika6mo ago
Never use Flexible SSL, only ever Full (Strict) Flexible isn't secure and is lying to your visitors about security, anything between CF -> origin can Man in the middle, make your website show bad stuff, intercept sensitive info, etc If your website doesn't work with Full (Strict) you need to fix that, CF offers 15 year certs for your origin under ssl/tls -> origin server which you can use and upload
AdamOP6mo ago
Thanks Chaika!!
tinaruns6mo ago
Hello. I'm having the same problem. A developer went onto my CloudFlare, changed a bunch of settings, and now is MIA. My site URL and the wildcard are already appearing on the cert. Do I need to enter my actual host name (which is A2)? What about other domains on my CF account? Or anything else that should be listed here? Also, this dev did something on CF that is causing this handshake issue. Do you have any other ideas for what that might be?

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