vibe check on this sweater
every time i put this on i kinda hate it. something about the fit is just really unappealing to me, maybe that it's an awkward middle ground between being oversized and normal. or maybe it's just not my vibe. could be overthinking it but want a sanity check before i bin it

7 Replies
I like it and think it looks good
It feels oversized enough for me
im vibrating positively over here
iirc this is the first block stripe i've of yours; the feeling might you getting used to the pattern rather than the size
Steve in the coolest way possible
And Steve is pretty cool already
i know you mean the blues clues guy but im choosing to interpret this as you meaning me
anyway ill sit on it i guess ty guys
Yea this is great! If there's anything to nit pick, I guess I don't love the bottom being a little clingy. I suppose a tuck or crop could be tried, but I dunno, I still really dig it
Would kinda ruin the symmetry of the stripes though so I doubt it's correct ignore me