
Smurfing issue

hi riot, hope anyone who is reading this is having a good day. i'm xayne and i want to adress an issue that has been ruining my valorant experience for a while. if anyone is from malaysia you would know that unifi has problems with valorant, so i queue rank in HK servers now. In my recent match (in the screenshot) i got queued up against the phoenix and sova, they were extremely good and they had amazing gamesense and aim, especially the phoenix who. in my honest opinion with that aim, reaction time and gamesense, deserve to be playing in higher ranks instead of silver/gold lobbies. i don't want to point fingers but they were probably smurfing, their teammates ( omen, cypher and jett ) was around our levels i have no issues with them, but their jett was really rude and was shit talking us which made our team tilt even more. i'm not sure if it's a skill issue but it's really unfair for lower ranked players since we work hard on trying to improve but can't get our desired rank because of these players. however, i can't deny that playing with players that are higher ranked and more skilled makes you learn new things that you wont learn when playing against players on your level. i've had a few of these rough games and it really kills my motivation to improve in the game. this is probabaly why a lot of players hire boosters to get rid of the frutration. i hope something can be worked out and have a good day!
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11 Replies
solus6mo ago
they won’t do anything
XayneOP6mo ago
better do something then nothing 🤷🏻‍♂️
solus6mo ago
they won’t tho they profit off smurfs
XayneOP6mo ago
sure i'm so happy to see that i got into a game with a smurf again they didn't even bother to hide it i love valorant i wish you would atleast lose less rr
yume6mo ago
how would this work
s1eepy6mo ago
Is the high ping on Singapore server issue still happening to you? I'm able to play on Singapore server yesterday with smooth ping.
호나6mo ago
you lose less rr if your enemies are better than you the reason you GET smurfs is beacuse the game doesnt know theyre better than you (unless your mmr is high in which case u only lose like 8-11 rr) so that cant work
XayneOP6mo ago
only occurs at 8 pm - 12 pm fair enough
ricekristies6mo ago
it happens in every server esp silver for some reason
s1eepy6mo ago
this issue should be fixed already, i can play on Singapore server without any lag since yesterday
Vortex6mo ago
smurf issues aint gonna get fixed people get paid as well so either way they profit from it

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