Anyone knows what caused the bug in the vid and how to fix it

It happened a lot times during my first day of game. My mouse have no problem. Having to change weapon then swap back to stop it. Its very annoying if it happens in the middle of a fight.
6 Replies
It happens randomly, no clue that what caused it
In the game that the issue happens it heppens very frequently. But in the game it doesnt happen it just dont happen at all
호나2w ago
nvm im stupid theres no packet loss one sec report it to val pretty sure its a bug since i saw sm1 else have it too ;valsupport
VANGUARD Main2w ago
:valQuestion: The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.
Gonna do it if it happens again in actual gameplay
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