[Steam] Games not native to Linux will not launch through Steam

Could be related to this: https://discord.com/channels/1072614816579063828/1279258151425806478 [Repost from Reddit - one of the commenters guided me to join UB and ask around the community.] Hello, recently I've tried to find a way to play Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop (a game on Steam) but so far I could not find any success. The game does not have a native Linux version, it's Windows-only, and any compatibility tool I tried using through Steam did not work. All it would do is pop up a window saying that the game is launching (as usual), and then nothing happens. The green play button returns to normal and no window or error appears. Though, there's a different story when I launch the executable using wine in the game's directory. It actually loads in. The problem is - is that I can't do anything with it cause Steam isn't running. Basically giving me the only option to Quit, I can't even open the dev console. Maybe I can but I haven't explored all options yet, but basically: Run through Steam, game won't start, run executable using wine, game starts but not in a functional state. I also tried using Lutris and screwed around with the settings, even using the two installers that were offered for the game in search. Nothing. There's just no way to go around it and I don't know what to do. The developers promised a Linux version about like... five or six years ago? And nothing happened with that. Can't do anything with this problem. EDIT: I managed to open the console by running the command "wine reactivedrop -console". Here's what it says: https://files.catbox.moe/i2j6am.png CosmicEmotion Have you checked here? Try deleting the Wineprefix and try to launch again as well. k0thware (Me) I deleted the prefix from steamapps/compatdata and nothing happened. Tried running on Proton Experimental. CosmicEmotion Does any game work for you? What are your specs?
3 Replies
HawkOP7mo ago
k0thware They seem to work as long as they're not launched by Steam. Bazzite 40 (from Fedora Kinoite). Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 (8) @ 3,90 GHz AMD Radeon RX 550 / 550 Series 16gb RAM 1920x1080 screen KDE Plasma 6.1.4 KWin (Wayland) CosmicEmotion Ok so no Steam games work at all? That's really weird. I recommend asking on the Bazzite Discord, it's on their front page. k0thware Well - only Steam games that aren't natively Linux will not work at all if they are launched by Steam. I tested this out when I played a game called Pixel Fodder - it only started when I launched it from it's directory using Wine. The game in question is Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop. But it seems to affect other games if I try to run them using the compatibility tools provided by steam. When I ran Pixel Fodder using Wine, it ran normally, but AS:RD will not because it requires Steam to function, and when I launch AS:RD through Wine, the game will only give me the option to Quit.
HikariKnight7mo ago
1. game cannot be installed on an ntfs/windows partition 2. make sure you have enabled steam play for all titles in steam settings
HawkOP7mo ago
damn, ok. thanks

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