2-3 years of playing and peak bronze 1

I’ve played Valorant for 2.5-3 years and so far I’ve peaked MAX Bronze 1. I’ve tried everything from aim training, strategies, woohoojin and everything in between and out the box. Nothing has worked to pull me out of this hell hole of low iron 3 to bronze 1. I play one game really well because it puts me in lobbies with bad players and then next game I’m in with silvers and high bronze people. I genuinely have no more hope of getting out of iron. I’ve never even BEEN BRONZE 2 like the second I get to bronze it’s straight up me getting assaulted by everyone. Someone please just help me.
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32 Replies
yume6mo ago
Shoot heads
JOTN6mo ago
review ur own vods and clip mistakes, deaths, and messups u make. notice the bad patterns. why did he shoot me first? did i just slow peak a corner? did i ego peak? did i peak a corner without knowing how many enemies are staring right at me? give that a try
ぴときおね6mo ago
if you want shoot me a vod of your game or 2 ill try to help but you might be better off quitting honestly this game is dogshit
kt6mo ago
bronze 1 peak? you must be kidding
AcutieMcTootieOP6mo ago
nah im being serious
호나6mo ago
no.1 whatre your pc specs no.2 what is your mouse sensitivity no.3 do you play shooting games normally
AcutieMcTootieOP6mo ago
my PC is fine i can 100% assure you that my mouse is .14 at 1550 DPI I've played shooting games all my life
호나6mo ago
wrist or arm
AcutieMcTootieOP6mo ago
not a big enough desk to use my arm so i slightly use arm
호나6mo ago
.14 at 1550 is pretty slow for wrist
AcutieMcTootieOP6mo ago
its really fast wdym?
호나6mo ago
not realy its hella slow
AcutieMcTootieOP6mo ago
that fast as hell for me
호나6mo ago
for arm itd be fine anyway thats not the issue its prob just how you play and game sense find sm1 to coach u for free tons of ppl do it here
AcutieMcTootieOP6mo ago
well usually im either mid to top frag, I do callouts a good chunk of the time, my game sense could be better but most of the time it does perfectly fine I tell specific people where they should go instead of just calling how many people should go where 99% of the time in the only one making callouts and or pinging too
호나6mo ago
i dont mean this in a rude way, all you need to get out of bronze and iron is look at people and shoot them, so probably work on your aim, comming in bronze and iron is actual hell dont rely on it unless youre playing with friends
AcutieMcTootieOP6mo ago
the one thing im confused about is, my aim like more then 80% of the time is great, maybe i miss a few shots and lose the gunfight but other then that its for the most part, on par for like a silver player not saying i should be silver but ykw im getting at?
호나6mo ago
yeah thing is at your rank people dont play the same as they will later movement strafing and stuff like im not trying to compare you to me just saying if u wanna climb solo aim is best i got to diamond solo just through pure 1v1 reyna IF U PLAY WITH A TEAM HOWEVERR thats different you can climb way easier but all i can suggest you for now is just practice your aim, you dont have to do aimlabs just play matches with sherrif and guardian only or marshal until you get used to doing headshots learn angles, what is good whats not, when can ppl see u etc
AcutieMcTootieOP6mo ago
i use the range a lot, aimlabs never helped me surprisingly
호나6mo ago
aimalabs is too moring tbh just play normal matches with tap guns or tdm sherrif guardian marshal.
AcutieMcTootieOP6mo ago
okay i wil
ぴときおね6mo ago
@AcutieMcTootie im willing to help you for free if you shoot me a vod of your valo gameplay and your aimlabs playlist also i play on lower sens and i play wrist mostly so its not that low
Nate6mo ago
It’s okay twin I believe in you 🙏
AcutieMcTootieOP6mo ago
Aimlabs didn’t really help me, the range actually helped me more and my aim has gotten significantly better But how would I do that? Post it unlisted on YT and send you the link(
ぴときおね6mo ago
Yes thats why i want to see what you did in aimlabs that it didnt help That works
AcutieMcTootieOP6mo ago
Alright do you want it to be comp or unrated? No clue, I haven’t redownloaded or tried it for a while
ぴときおね6mo ago
Well preferably comp but if you really dont want to play comp then it can be unrated, but it most likely will help much less
AcutieMcTootieOP6mo ago
Alright, I’ll record and send you the link in a bit
ぴときおね6mo ago
I sent you a friend req just dm me with link And record me the aimlab playlist you used to do as well
AcutieMcTootieOP6mo ago
ぴときおね6mo ago
also send me your in game name and tag i wanna check your tracker
AcutieMcTootieOP6mo ago
Idk my tracker

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