59 Replies
pls 😓🙏
dawg is this a cross

its like what it is in thephoto



thats literally ur photo
no not it 😞
i made it
im trying to figure out
if anybody has it
or something similar to it
yk how in like
cartoons and stuff
theres the red sign
on their forehead

kinda like this
or ts

i had a crossair js like it
a purple one
and it gave me aimbot istg
so i rlly want it back
theres no crosshair like that in game bruh
how u gna tell me there isnt when i literally had one of those.
i gotchu


neither 😞

something like ts
yoo how am i supposed to know which crosshair im using lmfao

you mean this.

here bigger crosshair

i got his too.

and this

What's that one?
I want this 1
whats the code
its photoshopped if u cant tell
omg can you give code of that crosshair

holy damn big 😂
relax guys, there is no code for that crosshair.
but dont worry.
you can still get that crosshair, not only that but ton of other and you can make your own too.
it's a crosshair app called, CrossOver: crosshair overlay, it's small app around couple hundred Mbs.
i hide my crosshair on valorant while keeping this one on. and flex on my teammates as if i am playing without crosshair.
the funny thing is that they believe it.
you can get the app on Microsoft store.

read the instruction before cursing me. 😅
i mean you have to press ctrl+shift+alt+x to place crosshair in place and hide other icons around it.
by default crosshair is in the center of screen, which is exactly where you want it to be.
no effect on performance.
@bobjeffaiden @Rozics @Dylan hope this helps.



the one i use

its actully thisone

@concealedcurse You can’t get this crosshair on valorant, only on Crosshair X and crosshair overlay apps
but how
i genuinely had something like that
On steam