Unable to purchase a domain

I'm having issues with purchasing my domain. When attempting to buy, I get the error attached below, and nothing else. I have tried different cards but none of them have worked.
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20 Replies
jenni <3
jenni <3OP6mo ago
Tired different browsers, incognito, I waited a bit but nothing worked.
Chaika6mo ago
hmm and you're trying credit cards and not Paypal right? Are you from India/using India Credit Cards? I believe there was/is issues with that and India's RBI. Some people got around it by using Paypal. Otherwise besides maybe trying Paypal, this would probably need a billing ticket to resolve
jenni <3
jenni <3OP6mo ago
PayPal failed too, and no, I’m from Australia.
Chaika6mo ago
ah ok, I would double check you don't have any unpaid invoices and then make a billing ticket -> payment issue
jenni <3
jenni <3OP6mo ago
No unpaid invoices, and I have already raised a billing ticket. The weird thing is this is the second time this error has happened (it happened with a different domain), and it just... worked? I have no clue how but after all the purchase fails, it picked a random attempt to work 🤷
3ALAM TV6mo ago
I have the same problem did you resolved the issue? thanks
jenni <3
jenni <3OP6mo ago
I didn't end up resolving it :c I bought the domain through NameCheap and am going to transfer it to cloudflare soon
D3ullist6mo ago
Having similar issues as well. Started a billing ticket, but my responses to the billing seem to be bouncing..
3ALAM TV6mo ago
someone find a solution? or a response from cloudflare? thanks
Chaika6mo ago
If you go to Support -> My Activites - All Tickets, you don't see them there? is there any specific errors you (or anyone) is getting at the bottom of the screen after you try to click complete purchase?
3ALAM TV6mo ago
the same in the photo
3ALAM TV6mo ago
No description
Chaika6mo ago
you don't get any helpful error at the bottom in red?
3ALAM TV6mo ago
no Im trying to pay with PayPal and visa nothing to do the same error
Chaika6mo ago
Interesting, that + the link to troubleshoot failed payment https://developers.cloudflare.com/fundamentals/subscriptions-and-billing/troubleshooting-failed-payments/ all indicates just normal payment failures, I would billing ticket, billing -> payment issue (anyone can submit a billing ticket). fwiw I did try just as a sanity test registering a domain myself and it's fine, so something more specific
3ALAM TV6mo ago
from my side everything is ok with the bank also with PayPal the first time I had a problem normally I pay without problem I check again
D3ullist6mo ago
No, I get redirected to https://developers.cloudflare.com/support/account-management-billing/cannot-locate-dashboard-account/?ErrorCode=41&ErrorDescription=Execution+error&ErrorDetails=DML%3AInsert+failed.+First+exception+on+row+0%3B+first+error%3A+UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION%2C+portal+account+owner+must+have+a+role%3A+%5B%5D I do have a confirmation email of the ticket ([Cloudflare - 01068699] Payment failing errorcode 1321) However all email responses I sent to it just seem to bounce considering I received a response (and recently the automatic we will close the tiket in 24 hours) even after I sent responses.
Cloudflare Docs
Cannot locate dashboard account | Cloudflare Support docs
We are making some improvements to our support experience. This could be causing a temporary issue linking your dashboard account ↗ and your Cloudflare Help Center My Activities sign-on information ↗.
D3ullist6mo ago
Tried to contact billing twice more, but not even getting responses anymore. Decided to take my domains elsewhere, sadly.
ThaGuus6mo ago
I tried to transfer a domain to Cloudflare as well, and I got a similar error 3 out of 4 times. After that, it worked, but they also charged me for those 3 failed attempts. I tried to contact them 3 days ago, but I received no answer at all.
Sumit4mo ago
When are you resolving issues pertaining to use of credit cards for India? its very difficult to always use Paypal for the same

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