Lag, player, or controller?

Heallo I’m just curious is my air shooting off to the side like that is from a lag spike or me/my controller. It happens periodically usually before a fight. And before yall say sum I have only 12hrs sanded across 2 weeks I’m new to the game and learning. Thats why your seeing what your seeing😭🙏. I wanna say lag cause the weird graph goes up but idk how to rad that.
5 Replies
ZacheryOP6mo ago
Well I can red the graph I just don’t know if I understand it correctly But yeah it keeps happening (Ps5)
호나6mo ago
that graph is for shooting error, aka the recoil of the gun your issue is movement error you move while ur shooting you can turn on the graph for it if you want
ZacheryOP6mo ago
Alr so when you move and shoot it snaps your aim around? Alr that’s good to know if im getting that right and yeah I figured out the graph shortly after the post and turned it off. Thanks lol I’m just sending these cause I don’t wanna open my photos to look Nah I do move and shoot a lot Damn (I deleted the videos) Why did you bonk me:( did you wanna see them or you beating me:(
호나6mo ago
bonking is fun :Bonk: :AA_Bonk:
ZacheryOP6mo ago

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