Gpu Passtrough on Bazzite

Hello, I have a question. I am trying to set up a VM and I want to use my 3090 in it. The problem is that I don't know much about Gpu passtrough and how to set it up. Espetially not on Bazzite. I know that if I run "ujust setup-virtualization" and enable vfio it says that I'm on my own with gpu passtrough. But maybe someone here knows how to use it. If so, I would be happy if you could tell me πŸ™‚
19 Replies
wolfyreloadβ€’2w ago
Before going deeper, do you have 2 GPUs? Trying to do GPU passthrough on a single GPU is not a pleasant experience from what I've read.
Rocksiteβ€’2w ago
Single Can I use an Amd Gpu and a Nvidia one simultaniously
wolfyreloadβ€’2w ago
Probably worth having a look at the discussion in this thread if you get stuck on anything HikariKnight is the GPU passthrough wizard.
Rocksiteβ€’2w ago
Ok, thank you. I will ask him
HikariKnightβ€’2w ago
our setup assumes you will reserve 1 card 100% to the VM meaning you cannot use it on the host/linux however we do not apply the card reservation so people who want to try single gpu passthrough with dynamic loading can try set it up, but without any of our support past enabling vfio
Rocksiteβ€’2w ago
I know. Maybe for a bit of context why I need a gpu inside my VM (please tell me if I don't and am just on the wrong path). I wanted to try setting up ollama with openwebui. I simply wanted to try to host a local AI server just for fun. As docker is a requirement for OpenWebUI and it's support for Bazzite seems not to be that good, I wanted to do all of that AI stuff inside a VM just so that I can seperate my Pc and the AI stuff. On my journey to set all of that up (I didn't get very far) I stumbled upon all of this VM stuff.
HikariKnightβ€’2w ago
i believe you can just layer docker in bazzite if you absolutely need it going the full VM route will slow down updates more than just layering, since you will have to regenerate initramfs on every update too but if you want to isolate it 100% inside a VM and split your resources then go ahead, but bazzite cannot use the dgpu while it is passed through to the VM which is why we support only dual gpu setups (as they are infinity times easier to set up)
Rocksiteβ€’2w ago
I guess I'll mess with docker then...
HikariKnightβ€’2w ago
yeah i think docker will be the easiest solution heck maybe even docker in distrobox might work for you distrobox lets you set a custom home folder
Rocksiteβ€’2w ago
No, unfortunatly it isn't that easy Oh i didn't know that Maybe I'll try that Thanks!
HikariKnightβ€’2w ago
also 1 sec @Rocksite bluefin has an ollama ujust you can just yoink adds webui and everything
Rocksiteβ€’2w ago
Wait really?! Bruh...
HikariKnightβ€’2w ago
add this into a justfile and do just -f /path/to/justifle.just ollama
Rocksiteβ€’2w ago
Maybe next time pay attention at the obvious lol
HikariKnightβ€’2w ago
i believe it uses podman, idk if it still requires docker but worth a shot
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