Remove domain to reset settings

Hey ! ive got a massive problem on my website due to cloudflare settings somewhere couldn't find it i wanna know if i remove the website from my cloudflare account, can i add it back ? will i need to re pay the domain ? is it instant ?
66 Replies
Chaikaβ€’6mo ago
You'd have to wait 7 days for the zone to be "purged"/config settings actually lost. You can add back a deleted zone yea, even after or before it's purged. If the domain is via the CF Registrar it shouldn't let you delete it without deleting the registration first, which would delete it perm. If you're using a third party registrar then you'd just add back with the new nameservers it assigns you. I'd elaborate more on the issue you are having though, CF Configs aren't that complex and chances are the mistake you made is simple and may not even be resolved by reseting config
Thanks for the answer ive got a problem with my domain name actually every request to it that it be in http or in https are getting Too many redirect ive try to follow they tutorial saying it was just SSL/TLS that i need to set on Full instead of flexible but nothing work
Chaikaβ€’6mo ago
what's your domain name/the url with the issue and current ssl/tls setting?
Ive try Flexible full off & full strict nothing work on that side when i used the " pause cloudflare on this website " it was working so im sure the problem come from my settings
Chaikaβ€’6mo ago
Are you using a Cloudflare tunnel or anything other then a simple setup?
Honestly i don't really know ive tryied a lot of things
Chaikaβ€’6mo ago
You'd know if you setup a tunnel. Go to the account level trace option, and put your URL in there and see what you match. It looks like you have a page rule or a redirect rule constantlyt redirecting
On browser with no protection against too many redirect it just blank everything
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Chaikaβ€’6mo ago
Go to Rules -> Redirect Rules and disable that Template one
Chaikaβ€’6mo ago
Your origin is redirecting to http://
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Chaikaβ€’6mo ago
When you had Cloudflare disabled, did it work with http (insecure) or https (secure)
it was working fine in ssl off not secure
Chaikaβ€’6mo ago
ok, then in Cloudflare switch to ssl/tls off
( i still had the issue of the too many redirect ) but in non protected browser again'st redirect it was working
Now i guess its kinda working in non protected browser but nothing load
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Chaikaβ€’6mo ago
loads fine for me in Chrome
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Chaikaβ€’6mo ago
probably cache you can't login or do anything because they send requests to https://, although you should really setup https/ssl anyway if you are going to have login/signups CF offers up to 15 year long origin ssl certs under ssl/tls -> origin server if you know how to configure ssl on your web server, or you can use Cloudflare Tunnels for easy setup
tbfr i don't know how since ive got a setup a bit strange im got my reverse proxy & after my xampp apache wich is on a pretty old version of xampp i don't know how to setup cloudflare tunnels i guess i don't have it in the list
Chaikaβ€’6mo ago
It runs a piece of software on your host, so you end up with User -> Encrypted -> CF -> Encrypted -> cloudflared on device -> unencrypted (but over same host or lan) -> actual origin web server, allowing you to securely expose insecure endpoints pretty easily
I guess im doing something wrong ?
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since its for the same domain i wan't it to tunnel
Chaikaβ€’6mo ago
1 things: 1. you need to go to dns -> records and delete the A/AAAA records for before adding the public hostname. The tunnel will add its own cname record to make it resolve when you add the public hostname 2. your service is the way your tunnel will reach your origin server (xampp) locally. Is reachable via on the same machine as the tunnel? If so, you'd select http and
ive got my nginx on the 80 & my apache on 81 should be good since my nginx redirect to the port 81
Chaikaβ€’6mo ago
You're running this all in on the same windows Pc as you use? Should be easy to test by just opening up in a web browser and seeing if it loads your site fine. You can always set it and change later if needed tho
Put its not using the tunel then i guess & Still redirecting in loop
Chaikaβ€’6mo ago
What did you set your public hostname service to?
Chaikaβ€’6mo ago
Service type should be http and for url then you can change your ssl/tls mode back to Full (Strict) in Cloudflare so you get back https
Thanks a lot it sounds like its working just 1 quick question
Chaikaβ€’6mo ago
Do you need under attack mode on/challenging every request? Looks like it's messing with your api calling login
Chaikaβ€’6mo ago
well as long as it works fine for you lol. I still would generally recommend not keeping under attack mode on/challenging every visitor as it gets annoying to visitors super quickly and it's really not needed unless you're actively under attack, but up to you
Just ive got a question since its in a flashplayer game and there hardcoded request in http instead of https theres files that where not getting loaded due to that in the past Can i use the redirect all http to https to fix that ?
i guess not because when i enable it its just not loading up the website anymore
Chaikaβ€’6mo ago
The answer is, it depends if it's willing to follow redirects/how exactly it works
its a browser game so it should
Chaikaβ€’6mo ago
yea but it's adobe flash player lol
Chaikaβ€’6mo ago
you can enable redirects to https under ssl/tls -> Edge Certificates -> Always use HTTPs I guess you modified that rule and broke it somehow? Eitherway there's a better and simpler option to get those redirects so I would just use that and delete that redirect rule
But its just not loading they files currently
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Chaikaβ€’6mo ago
well they're over https, any errors in console?
thats why i originaly wanted to use the redirect all http to https
Chaikaβ€’6mo ago
that's most likely because of your under attack mode and not because of http -> https You could check Security -> Events to see the exact block reason
Uhh now its good but the connection to server ingame is not working now
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Chaikaβ€’6mo ago
what's it trying to connect over/to?
its on the same local server but on the csharp server
Chaikaβ€’6mo ago
check dev tools and such for failures/connection issues?
Chaikaβ€’6mo ago
Guessing that's not using http protocol? Wouldn't work with proxy, would need an unproxied domain to connect to or direct to ip
I guess theres not what your looking for
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i could ive got other domain names but the objective was to get everything up and runing on only one
Chaikaβ€’6mo ago
you don't need other domain names, you could even just setup an unproxied subdomain ex: A game ip unproxied and then if you can configure your game to connect to that, you could still load it on your main website
for every map etc theres the domain name ima try to put my ip not working ...
Chaikaβ€’6mo ago
I don't know much about flash player but would try to get more precise logs about it failing to connect and such
okay thanks a lot im gona try to do as i can and else ill just make a redirect not proxied i guess

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