Lagging issue
I have a decent pc which can run valo pc. But I'm having problems while playing since day 1. Like low fps and network issue even though I have a good wifi connection. Whenever I start the match it says low fps , high client ping, high ping and game starts lagging.
64 Replies
fps might be too high graphics or ur pc just isnt good enough and likely ur internet is UNSTABLE that doesnt mean ur average ping is bad it just is inconsistent and spikes for about a milisecond or so/packet loss so turn on network buffering to max and see if that helps
what's your specs? and do you have the latest drivers?
Yeah I use ssd 512 gb and i3 gen 10
what's your ping in val?
It varies too much
Sometimes it's 200-300 and suddenly goes to 999+
I think it will break meter one day
Imo ping above even 80-90 is literally unplayable..
But I still managed to get 1 kill in short match 🤠🙂
Only 1 kill in a swiftplay?
That’s crazy…
I just started playing it I'm not a problem player or anything
I think for me 1 is enough with so much lags and frame drops
Tried going thru settings yet? I think you already did
Nah I didn't
I'll go through them and check network settings
Maybe today or maybe some other day
Btw how to change server ?
Just go the the ping icon in the game
I can try to help with ping but no idea for the frame drops
Theres the 3 lines thing, with one short, medium and long indicating ping
Frame drops..
I mean they got that no?
@Nav⚡ does it randomly drop or does it drop when someone dies
I think they are due to high ping
Not randomly but constantly
Yea, I had this happen to me when I open up the tracker on pc and left it running with recording
1 kill = frame drop like flies
hmmm what's your servers?
Site execute is hell
go to ipinfo and find where it says org and send that
Plz don't go with short forms I'm bad at it
Ohk I'll try that
can you open cmd and do
tracert 151.106.246 . 0
? (remove the space between the dots)
and send me a screenshotI'm not at pc right now. I barely touch it. And I have already done that
I have already settled DNS and it's better than before
when you are in it mind running the command?
Ohk ig 🙄
What will it do btw ?
will track how how your packet travels
Ohk ohk thats a good thing to do
I'll check it definitely
don't mean this in a rude way, please don't say decent pc
Turn network buffering to maximum
Ohk bruh I'll keep that in mind
Ohk bruh
idk just waiting for the screenshots
I'll dm you whenever I'll send the screenshot
Is that ohk ?
Even I don't know when I'll send it
Check dm
got no dm
Accept request first
You have privacy on
should be off now :AMThumbsUp:
Nope still on
Try messaging me
can we keep it here then?
Wait let me see if I can send image here
Yeah done
See this
No prob
See screenshot
I mean pic
Packet lost total - 243
Sometimes it was like 1k
do this please
And client fps were also jittering like crazy
hmm maayybe do what she said
Actually my discord was just off and I didn't remember this command
So sorry 😭
I think soo
you can run it now
I don't have pc here
I use it rarely when I get in the mood to play games
I just took ss of command so I'll send it next time maybe tomorrow or some other day