Yo guys, I plan on going to a couple developer ...
Yo guys, I plan on going to a couple developer meetups to network and make some friends. Should I tell people I'm unemployed or already have a job? I think I should keep things vague and just tell people I'm a freelance developer
23 Replies
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deep-jade•3mo ago
Unless you're offering, your status doesn't matter much. You can spin an acceptable story from any position. It's really about whether or not you're looking for W2 work or not. You should really just be swapping war stories and experiences at these events. If people think you're cool, they'll top their hand about if they're looking
ugly-tan•3mo ago
better to mention you already have a job...
might have some stigma mentioning you're unemployed + going to a dev meetup
I Intended on seeing if anyone there knew of openings at their jobs (remote) and getting a referral. @totaldev @Saplith I guess it makes sense to say I already have a job and I'm looking for a new one, then just OE - right?
Another concern is I just started J1 which is why I would be hesitant to mention it
ugly-tan•3mo ago
they're not going to dig deep
use J0 ?
im assuming you're gonna use J0 on your resume anyways
Yeah J0 would be my "freelance" work
ugly-tan•3mo ago
i mean
no one will "audit" it really
so your LLC that is supporting your freelance work
ugly-tan•3mo ago
can just be some cool consulting that does interesting stuff
that's still a better narrative than being unemployed
For sure. I have 2 aged LLCs so i can use either one
deep-jade•3mo ago
No one is gonna interrogate you in this situation. You give them some basic info verbally and they'll take a closer look later. You could tell people you worked at FAANG and they'd take it at face value at these things
These events are more vibe checks and seeing if you're cool not interviews
ok we're good then I know exactly what to do
xenial-black•3mo ago
Wtf lol why?
ugly-tan•3mo ago
we're talking about going to meetups and stuff, right?
xenial-black•3mo ago
I really hate this assumption that there’s something wrong with unemployed folks
ugly-tan•3mo ago
it's implicit
i mean i dont think it's something any one can change in terms of bias
when saying you're unemployed there isn't a lot to talk about cause
(1) one party (the unemployed) will always talk about past tense
(2) the other party (the one who is employed) will talk about present tense
generally that's what i've seen in all my years at kubecon
folks who are there who are unemployed generally have a rougher time networking there
xenial-black•3mo ago
I never been to a meetup though so idk it those are for networking to get a job or just networking to meet other developers that are experienced and who you can learn from.
This shit makes me wanna have a minimum of 3 jobs at all times tbh
ugly-tan•3mo ago
right. stigma. unless you did some profound open source project or you produced something very profound at your old job, not many people will "meet you for the purpose of learning" if you start off the convo as "im unemployed"
deep-jade•3mo ago
It's more that people want to know why you were unemployed. No one wants to invest in a dud and this field is full of people who aren't going anywhere. Half of my chatting at these things is trying to divine if it's even worth caring about who I'm talking to. There are a lot of liars and failures who want to rise your coattails.
xenial-black•3mo ago
But also just looking around we see that there are tens of thousands of layoffs that no one has any control over no matter how great they are.
For people at these meetups who are so supposedly smart that much common sense should be a minimum…
Tbh, unless someone gets laid off due to no fault of their own in a bad market I don’t think they’ll ever truly understand.
deep-jade•3mo ago
Sure. But my point doesn't change that people will be kinda sus of you if you're unemployed.
Or they could be me who is sus of anyone. Honestly, I go to enough of these things that I start suspicious of everyone. There are too many people not worth knowing. It's just every once in a while you find a gem
I'm taking the whole thing with a grain of salt just looking to meet more developers ideally senior/staff level but who knows