website unavailable on certain clients

Hi all, I have a domain name which I have recently moved to cloudflare from hostinger for DNS, and the server it is pointing to I am using on Zero trust tunnels for sub domains. Now when the domain was registered to Hostinger, there were no issues accessing the app, now that it’s with cloudflare, some clients globally are unable to access the app. It’s accessible from some clients and not from others. Is this is a known issue and are there any settings I can apply within cloudflare to correct this issue? Thanks all
5 Replies
Chaika6mo ago
What's the domain and the errors clients get? No known related issues at CF right now
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MergeLabOP6mo ago
Ok so the domain is - when some people try and access it, some cannot access the page, others load the page but cannot press play and listen to the audio, for others the page loads but the logo is not visible , it’s a white screen,
Chaika6mo ago
Sounds like javascript/resource errors, if you can reproduce it would try checking browser console for errors
MergeLabOP6mo ago
Do you saying maybe issue with the application code and not with DNS routing etc
Chaika6mo ago
Yes, if you can load the page, all the resources used on that page are on the same hostname so would be unrelated to dns

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