PGSHARP whenever I go in raid says I'm too far

I've tried doing raids I'm pgsharp but it keeps saying I need to get closer to gym even tho I go into the lobby and pick my pokemon
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spcx6mo ago
if it kicks you out of the lobby when the raid starts, its propably cooldown issue, happened to me few times
yup what he said
ZT_ADZOP6mo ago
Yea it was thanks
YAGPDB.xyz6mo ago
Gave +1 PGC Trust Point to @spcx (current: #218 - 1)
ZT_ADZOP6mo ago
Also do you by any chance know if there's a way to Teleport to a certain pokemon Or if there's a way to show the shinys around you
spcx6mo ago
for pokemon you cant set filter in pgsharp feed, for 100iv specific mons u need premium, and for the shiny scanner you need premium pgsharp i believe
ZT_ADZOP6mo ago
Ah alright thank you
spcx6mo ago
your welcome but the shiny only works near you, i think it basically clicks on the mons and check it for you, and if its shiny, it will appear in feed, nearby radar
ZT_ADZOP6mo ago
Alright because I was next to a shiny but it didn't take me to it I just clicked on it because it was a gible so If I turn off the cooldown feature does that mean there's a high chance I get banned
spcx6mo ago
the cooldown feature is useful imo, but i mean if u teleport in multiple states, spin stops, catch mons, do raids all on cooldown lock, there might be a higher suspection, i dont really know how high, just sayin there might be
ZT_ADZOP6mo ago
Alright thabkd

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