Youtube Api
I have been using fetch since I created my fishing channel site and added new videos. I don't seem to find anything on how many videos from a certain playlist the fetch will receive. I currently have 10 videos on that one playlist. I am only getting 8 on the call is this normal I can't find any documentation implementing only 8 returns max
5 Replies
You are only getting 8 results as you have Remove or change this value to something higher and you should get all of them.
Apparently the default value is 5 and you can set anything from 0 to 50.
defined in your URL.
I am so dumb I copied that string never noticed that was too busy adding the playlist and key lmao
Easily done 😆
I do this section on my computer and copy the results into another file so I don't have my key out there. Even though my new key is for public information LOL so I just copied that damn thing lmao thanks wow I am so tired sometimes lol