Economy on sova

what should i prioritize buying on sova especially early rounds mainly on defense cuz i find i don’t use my drone to often on defense any advice or thought are appreciated.
2 Replies
ᑎɛƚɧɛɾ. ˇ
Depends on your playstyle, really. If you don't use the drone, save the money. If you don't use the darts, save the money. Depending on what weapons you go for usually, you might be able to get them earlier. But just on a side note, since valorant isn't just an aim based game, but obviously heavily relies on abilities, you might want to check out a Sova guide or such to learn how to use the other abilities properly, they might even suggest a buying strategy in said guide
Vortex7mo ago
i would go ghost double dart because of the enemies sentinels like cyphers trips kjs nanoswarms etc

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