create POD with full Intel Sapphire Rapids CPU chip for Parallel Algorithm scalability test.
I usually create PODs for GPU tasks, accessing through ssh, so I am very familiar in that sense. But now we need to rent a POD with just a modern Intel CPU fully available for us. In particular, we need one with Intel Sapphire Rapids architecture, so that it supports AMX matrix instructions. This is for a parallel CPU algorithm for which we need to obtain performance and energy consumption results (plots).
I went to the menus of runpod but i could not find options on the CPU side, neither exact info of the CPU model of the pod. Am i missing something too obvious?
Thanks in advance
5 Replies
Yeah it is not available to choose cpu models
But does it exists in runpod already?
Escalated To Zendesk
The thread has been escalated to Zendesk!
I believe there are CPUs of those models when renting H100 nodes, but i cannot manage to capture the entire CPU chip, it seems that it assigns only a fraction of all the cpu cores.
Ohh I see
I guess reaching out to support via zen desk is the most appropriate thing for this
See if maybe they can do that for you