ERR Request failed error="Unable to reach the origin service. The service may b....

hi , i am running a tunnel trying to forward a service i have on my local network a (dahua ip camera) which is located on via http . to watch the camera from the web , i need to install a webplugin on internet explorer . when running on internet explorer with the plugin it does not work . runing on chromium or other browser without the plugin loaded + internet explorer it works fine (however i am not able to see anything , just change the settings and such.. and settings that require the plugin to run i am unable to change , for example export import config file will not work ) i have set the on the tunnel dashboard to be http . error="Unable to reach the origin service. The service may be down or it may not be responding to traffic from cloudflared: EOF" connIndex=2 event=1 ingressRule=0 originService= ERR Request failed error="Unable to reach the origin service. The service may be down or it may not be responding to traffic from cloudflared: EOF" connIndex=2 dest=https://....../RPC2_Loadfile/virtual/web/webCapsConfig event=0 ip=.... type=http thank you
7 Replies
maoOP•7mo ago
up 🙂
Chaika•6mo ago
cloudflared: EOF
EOF is interesting, I believe sometimes can be thrown for trying to connect to an https endpoint as http or vice versa. From the same machine that is running cloudflared/the tunnel connector, does curl -vvv work? or does curl -vvv -k work?
maoOP•6mo ago
well , to be frank , to make sure it was not an http or https issue . i disable https completely from the CLOUDFLARE dashboard and force it to be on http. same result . then i decided to do something else , i enabled https on the dahua camera , then enabled back https on cloudflare . same result . login in via the dahua plugin (runs on edge , downgrade to internet explorer for activex) which is a must and require to see the video feed or download recorded stuff on the camera , or even setup some settings , it will fail and show connection error on the login page . when trying to login from any browser without that plugin it will work , no settings or recording or live feed will be availble .
Chaika•6mo ago
to be frank , to make sure it was not an http or https issue . i disable https completely from the CLOUDFLARE dashboard and force it to be on http. same result . then i decided to do something else , i enabled https on the dahua camera , then enabled back https on cloudflare . same result .
You are using Cloudflare Tunnels. In your Cloudflare tunnel, the service protocol you specify is what matters. Changing it in Cloudflare's normal ssl settings or in your browser isn't going to change anything. And changing it in the service but not in the public hostname service settings would also not change anything You could try changing the service type in the public hostname to https, or try the commands I gave above on the same machine that is running the tunnel
maoOP•6mo ago
this is not a matter of http or https nor ssl . i do reach the page , i do login when no activex is active or present . can you elaborate what to do ? why do you want me to curl the camera ? i mean it will surely work since i am reaching it and able to login . do you want me to share with you camera response , or you just wana know if i get "any" response
Chaika•6mo ago
I was understanding it as you were describing how it worked/how it needed a plugin and then posted a connection error without much context, so I understood it as not working overall. I understand now in your clarification it does work over tunnel without the custom plugin, but not with. You could still try switching the origin service to https, but if it's using weird activex plugin, I believe those have more network access/raw connections which aren't going to work over tunnels. Possible it might just not be compatiable Well, they wouldn't work over Public Hostnames/simple tunnel stuff, WARP w/ Private Networking would still be an option and has support for exposing your lan and tcp/udp
maoOP•6mo ago
but with warp , i will need unfortunately to be connected to a vpn . the whole idea was not using a vpn like system . i have zero tier , and it works but 1, its slow 2, the hassle to login to the vpn each time .

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