frame drops and character selection loads slow
whenever I play valorant I play around 160 fps in range and still over 100 fps in games but I dip so low my screen freezes. also when I load into matches it tells me the map and when I select my agent it takes forever to load the agent then it freezes on the selection screen and I join my matches late and get penaltys for it, maybe its my settings but im really not sure on what to do.
15 Replies
Is ur game on a hdd?
wym hdd?
like if I downloaded it on c drive?
did u download it on ur external storage drive or c drive?
I had it on my uh D drive
which is my 2nd drive
try install it on c drive
yeah I cleared space in it
and now currently downloading 50 gb of val on my c drive
c drive will always make ur games faster
oh will it possibly fix my frame drops and uh
having games on external drive will load slow
my characters loading?
could be a fixed
im not sure
oh okay I mean I got a uh
bad pc
but my old school laptop was able to run val in the past
agents load I load in the match fast 180+ fps
like bruhhhhh
Yea no shit
Solution:- move ur game to a ssd if u have one