not in jee syllabus but

If this is true, then how does born lande equation work? moreover in jd lee they have directly given lattice energy has =kq1q2/r somehow
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31 Replies
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Deleted User
Deleted User7mo ago
Kqq/r is potential energy i.e energy need to be spent to bring charges from infinity to a finite distance
lakshyaOP7mo ago
rehnde bro
Ishizora7mo ago
I'm answering this considering you meant 'born haber cycle'. First of all there's a difference between lattice energy and lattice enthalpy. Could be wrong but imo they're both calculated in order to estimate the enthalpy but as the former one is calculated on assumption that the charges are concentrated at a point hence the term lattice energy. Whereas the latter one is calculated by Hess Law. They could vary by a fair margin but ig there are cases where they don't or barely do. So, Lattice enthalpy is estimated by Hess Law and Lattice energy by applying physics considering it to be a point charge system. lemme search it up on libre texts Here you go Nope! Potential energy is the energy stored due to it's relative position which is the result of work done on that body against conservative force. Being pedantic but 'spent' wouldn't be the right word to use in either of the cases as potential energy is the 'stored energy' by virtue of the bodies relative postion or other stuff.
Deleted User
Deleted User7mo ago
Mai jitna energy spent karunga utna hi toh story hoga na
Ishizora7mo ago
didn't know about born laden eqn searched it up but my answer's still the same i.e enthalpy and energy are different
Deleted User
Deleted User7mo ago
Potential energy ka deprivation bhi toh work done se aata Derivation*
Ishizora7mo ago
jitna work karoge utna store hoga
Deleted User
Deleted User7mo ago
Ja vahi Work is energy spend in displacing body right?
Ishizora7mo ago
Potential energy exits due to the work done but the vice versa isn't true is it? what energy spend are you talking about
Deleted User
Deleted User7mo ago
Hmm yeah right
Ishizora7mo ago
then how can you say that potential energy is the energy spent in bringing that body to some x position?
Deleted User
Deleted User7mo ago
Example If I lift a block from ground to height h Then work done is mgh right? And potential energy is.. Also mgh right? Because it itself says potential energy is work done in bringing charge from infinity to a point WITHOUT changing it's kinetic energy
Ishizora7mo ago
yes but your premise is still not corrrect the values might be same but what i'm saying is that 'spent' isn't the right word for it
Deleted User
Deleted User7mo ago
Ho sakta hai Thoda time ho gaya electric kiye Oh thaaaattttttt Real real Energy conservation...
Ishizora7mo ago
khud dekho you yourself said without changing it's kinetic energy so energy expenditure jo tum state kar rahe the wo kaha hua?
Deleted User
Deleted User7mo ago
Potential energy store karne mein I get it... I used the word spent but didn't mean it but yeah My mistake, I agree
Ishizora7mo ago
Deleted User
Deleted User7mo ago
🫂 Konsa chaper padh re?
Ishizora7mo ago
ye sab dms m pooch lo afaik this thread is for doubts
iTeachChem7mo ago
Chemistry LibreTexts
The Born-Lande' equation
The Born-Landé equation is a concept originally formulated in 1918 by the scientists Born and Lande and is used to calculate the lattice energy (measure of the strength of bonds) of a compound.…
lakshyaOP7mo ago
no i dont mean born haber cycle born lande equation is something else entirely
iTeachChem7mo ago
Yea linked above
lakshyaOP7mo ago
yea i asked my sir, he said its kind of an approximation
iTeachChem7mo ago
Ishizora7mo ago
did reply considering born laden
iTeachChem6mo ago
let us wrap this one up, shall we?
lakshyaOP6mo ago
yea my bad +solved @iTeachChem @Ishizora
iTeachChem Helper
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