How can I hide the "market filter" in my

How can I hide the "market filter" in my embedded liveboard using ThoughtSpot's JavaScript library (i.e., @thoughtspot/visual-embed-sdk?
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6 Replies
baranOP•7mo ago
I hid it using the customizations prop, but it feels hacky. So I was wondering if there is a better way 🤔
style: {
customCSS: {
rules_UNSTABLE: {
"[data-tooltip-content*='Column name: Market']": {
display: 'none',
// ...
style: {
customCSS: {
rules_UNSTABLE: {
"[data-tooltip-content*='Column name: Market']": {
display: 'none',
// ...
shikharTS•7mo ago
This might be the way to hide specific filters. Maybe you can use runtime filters?
Aditya•7mo ago
Hello @baran Do you want to hide all the filters or some specific filters? I have a good solution, if you want to hide the filter panel which will hide all the filters by adding - additionalFlags: { hideFilterPanel: true, }
baranOP•7mo ago
1 specific filter If I recall correctly, runtime filter settings add filters as soon as the liveboard is loaded
Aditya•7mo ago
Yes, but it will not be displayed on filter panel
baranOP•7mo ago
we already pass runtimeFilters for the market filter, so when the user clicks on the market filter, then there is only 1 option in the list of available market options. The custom CSS worked, so I will go with that for now. Thanks for the help!

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