idk I need help
I tried drawing omen but then I hated it I gave up after 40 mins

11 Replies
That’s really fire af tho
thank you!
What do you need help with
Looks cute btw
Lighting uhmhm clothes idk I just hate it
Ahh ok
Well first off, using references for anatomy would help
The colors, you seem to blend it a decent ton? Which kind of results in like a muddy look
Do you use black for shadows?
What program do you use?
What’s your reference?
Different clothing have different textures btw
He has like metal (?), cloth, and bandages
So metal ofc would be more shiny than cloth or bandages which are more matte
@камень sorry if I’m asking a lot of questions, take your time in responding
Some contrast between his hood and his (?) face would also help
What kind of lighting is that btw?
I’m using IbisPaint X and I didn’t really use a reference for him I scroll through Pinterest and looked at a few and landed on this photo but I stopped looking at the reference after 15 mins

It doesn’t really look similar
I just threw colors on it, I’ve never done lighting :val_KekwSob: :val_KekwSob:
I gave up on it after a bit so :val_KekwSob:
It doesn’t matter too much tbh
Ah yeah you kinda changed the perspective of his body slightly haha
It’s okay
I do that too sometimes
This is amazing
Continue doing it bro
Honesty bro you do you, this drawing you’ve made looks great
I appreciate you guys thank you so much :val_Hampter: :Omen_Love:
the only reason why I'm giving crit is because they wrote "idk I need help" in the title, just saying
otherwise I don't give out crit