# Notice of Open Beta Test Ending
Notice of Open Beta Test Ending
The open beta test for DRAGON BALL PROJECT: Multi will end at 09/03/2024 02:59(UTC-03:00).
We hope you enjoy the rest of your time playing the test.Ending Time: 09/03/2024 02:59(UTC-03:00). @Server Status
237 Replies
Thread automatically created by Celo in #🚨server-status
Damn that’s crazy
Peak is ending
NOO 😭😭
Rip 🪦
This sucks, thank you for the notice tho. We love you...as long as ur not a gohan main
What about zamasus?

They are just like cancer
Work the same too
Hate those "people"
Zamasu is pretty based main
Hell nah
Excuse my foul language
Think about, u know he's unkillable and cheese and u still use him. Kinda based
But he is the most imbalanced unit
And what's wrong with gohan mains then?
Obvious bias
Nerf zamasu
And buff gohan
Gohan main spotted 🥱
Buff piccolo actually
I'm a goku main
Whatever you say dude
Beta was fun
Sounds like a Gohan main that needs to cope 🥱

I mean well
I can't even complain cuz you're goku black
Kinda based playing yourself
Cope there'll be another beta
Absolutely BASED response
I need there to be another beta. I lowkey forgot it was a beta, because its already kinda of polished.
i like how it looks, and it plays well
If you hate that little shit so much, I might know a place you'll enjoy :RoseGrin:
If only the zamasu sweats would try another character..
there's no reason to if your goal is to win
There's a thing called having fun too, you should try it
winning is fun
Messing around is more fun
That's great and all
But have you tried to?
i do have fun
not sure how much messing around there is to do
considering how linear gameplay is
i mained krillin at first
he's not bad at all
So you main zamasu now?
That explains a lot
Oh trust me, we do. We just prefer to enact the Zero Mortals Plan, and you are among that list of Mortals
I play Vegeta, Cooler, Zamasu, Goku, Buu, and Piccolo. But since I'm Goku Black, I must play Zamasu and I do not see any issue with that
You're not a zamasu sweat
We disagree
I usually get 11 Eliminations with Zamasu
Meanwhile you with the abortion failure = 🥱
I get 15 on average with goku
Cool, everyone does
Mostly bots on my side as well
Cool the hostility dude
Goku is the easiest DPS to use. Flexing with him is not an accomplishment
The zamasu user said, confidently.
Meanwhile Zamasu fulfills the role of Tank and decent DPS perfectly
Maybe a little
Too perfect
I love how you complain about his capabilities as a Tank yet you fail to realize he is Immortal
Trainer spawned !
which you can check with
Hard⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ Trainer gives Applicable xp

,This xp can be used to level up your characters by applying xp to them using !applyxp <char number>
He fits the bill perfectly for Tank. The only difference between him, Cooler, and Vegeta is that his automatic Healing Regen is better then theirs. Vegeta and Cooler deal better damage as Tanks, but Zamasu can take the hits and just shrug them off like nothing.
His regen is really easy to build in the mid - late game
And still powerful in early game
Since nobody's abilities are maxed
He has no slowdowns
And almost unbeatable unless you're a few levels higher
The perfect Tank.....all these Perfect jokes keep making me think of Cell, but he'd probably be a DPS
Hope he's a technical
He has a lot of things he can do with that role
Such as?
Solar flare
Maybe he transforms twice
That'd be pretty cool
Lifesteal and Kamehameha are both DPS abilities that would greatly benefit someone who has a Regeneration Factor because none of the DPS units have that
Which is why he shouldn't be dps
Solar Flare is literally the only ability that makes him a Tech
Nooo not peak! 😭
I'm aware of what the ability is, but my point still stands. When Cell was introduced, he was a monstrous powerhouse. He absorbed his siblings, tanked massive hits from the likes of Vegeta, Trunks, Tien, Piccolo, Goku, and his demon child....then proceeded to hit them back twice as hard. He's either another really strong Tank like Zamasu, or an extremely good DPS because he has a Healing Factor and Lifesteal to help with his transformation(s)
Why do you dislike technicals
I never said I dislike them
It feels that way
I just don't see Cell as one
He could be either or
Since he has so many abilities
Only time will tell I guess
Trust me, he'll be DPS
Same as Frieza
We'll see
All three classes in one
Technical imperfect
Nah, they won't do that
Tank semi perfect
Dps perfect
What I wanna see is a Goku Black DPS and I could ask a friend to run alongside me as Zamasu
Oh yeah that'd be sick
Got the transformation already.....his abilities could be the Black Kamehameha, Divine Lasso, and perhaps Instant Transmission (but they'd have to also give that to Goku)
Sickle of sorrow ultimate
His Ultimate would be the Scythe cutting into a different reality and spawning his clones
Keep cooking
The cut into reality would also buff the real Goku Black if he's in the vicinity
Goku black clone support
An added bonus to Goku Black and Zamasu called "Zero Mortal Plan" if they are run together. And add secret buffs to certain characters if they are brought together.
Vegeta and Goku
Piccolo and the abortion failure
Krillin and 18
Zamasu and Goku Black
Frieza and Cooler
The abortion failure is gohan
I refuse to say the name, unless it applies to the sweet old man who raised Goku on Earth
You'd hate dragon ball legends
You think I already don't? I love and hate it. I play it every day
I'm in a Discord where we collectively hate that little shit, and talk about Dragon Ball games. Legends is one of those games.
This is so real
We all form our own little groups on that server, and I am the Leader of the Zamasu Cult because.....I am him
Sadly I run a gohan on my main team

Cool Regen team except for the disgusting wannabe Saiyan in the Leader slot
Hes pivotal
I think you mean "pitiful"
For when one guaranteed kill isn't enough
"I'm gonna pop my Main ability that takes your Vanish away....that's truly a skillful approach." head ass
I only use it when I'm getting washed
Or they have one character
"I cancel all your buffs just by existing." head ass
Ultranemba does that too
And more debuffs
Janemba is a demon, whereas that abortion failure is just a waste of space
He nullifies your atribute upgrades (I don't know what that means) as well as canceling buffs
On rush/blue card/ultimate use
Goes neutral on entry if there is a dead ally
(Kid buu)
Attribute Upgrades are the ones you get from your equipment as stat buffs
Send that little shit on the Frontline every single time
That's great
Kid Buu and Janemba are demons because they earned it. That stupid shit is a wannabe Saiyan who was granted all his powers on a silver platter and did no training whatsoever after SSJ1 and 2
Well ultimate gohan was trained
And then given a power boost from a ritual
Still not earned
But it didn't matter because Buutenks put him in his place
But buu humbled him fr
Then came the most GOATed Fusion of all time and space
Second goatested
Fight me, I will die on that hill defending Vegito
Vegito is the superior Fusion, no diff
He was absorbed by buuhan
On purpose
And refused against zamasu
Because of a skill issue
Because their overwhelming power drained the Potara
Goku and vegetas overwhelming power
Same thing happened with SSJ4 Gogeta against Omega Shenron
We don't talk about that
Yes we do, Canon or not
Tori had no hand in gt
Dbs gogeta
Is just so goated
His name rhymes with goat too
Wasted no time on that big buff manchild
DBS Gogeta didn't start in Blue. He worked up to it. Vegito jumped straight to Blue, and SSJ4 Gogeta already started in SSJ4. That's why DBS Gogeta seemed like he lasted longer
Gogeta was seeing how fast he grew
And once he got too ahead of him
He went ssb
Fusion reborn gogeta just got the job done
Still didn't get the kill

Xeno Vegito Ssj4

⏱ Time remaining : 10
🛑 Players Limit : 5 Players
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He was saved by the dragon balls themselves
Same as Janemba...still no kill
My favorite form and Fusion in one 😍
The prefix of this server is
He purified 100s of thousands of years of evil
But that's not a kill
Brought back a child
What is a kill for Gogeta was him using Soul Punisher on Hearts
I didnt say it was
He did better than a kill
He saved the universe
And a kid
And so did Vegito from Buu
Vegito just had to defuse inside of buuhan
And make vegeta and goku do the rest
Vegito saved his friends and gave themselves a chance to finish Buu while getting him away from Earth
He didn't even kill buu there
Vegeta and goku did
After he defused
Buu destroyed the earth
But it was Vegito that got absorbed on purpose so that Goku and Vegeta could do their work. They would not stand a chance against Buuhan if not for Vegito
Didn't even think of the dragon balls on new namek
They carried ngl
Vegito was the chaperone
Gogeta though
He finishes his fights
There's a reason whenever "free thinkers" see this move
They act compulsively
Gogeta is the more glazed Fusion and yet he's weaker than Vegito
He is not weaker
He most certainly is
Are you saying that vegito (zamasu) would beat gogeta (broly)?
Because he would be washed
The Elder Kai even said the Potara Fusions are more powerful than the Fusion Dance
Thrown away like a used tampon
Same elder kai that said the potara was permanent
Vegito could walk all over Broly
Oh my god
Say that one more time for the people on the back
Quote it, even.
....later corrected that it is permanent, only if a Supreme Kai is involved. He said that because he's never seen a Potara Fusion done with Mortals
Faor, however
Vegito would walk all over Broly. drops mic
Goku and vegeta from the broly movie are from after the TOP
They are so much stronger and it's not even close
If the Potara handled their power, Zamasu would have been destroyed by Vegito before being deleted by Zeno instead of Trunks, then Zeno
Goku could beat vegito by that point
You're joking, right?
No joke brotha
Even in Ultra Instinct, Goku would struggle against Broly
Goku from the top
Wasn't able to keep up with jiren
In ssb
Raid Cancelled since no player joined
However by the end
Just ssj was enough
There's a HUUUGEEE gap between ssj
And ssb
Goku in Mastered Ultra Instinct would struggle against Broly because the more Broly fights, the more he tramples his opponents
Wrong. The reason why he went SSJ was because he was drained, just like Jiren and Frieza. He was pushing his last bit of energy out
And yet goku was able to take down this foe (with friezas assistance) in just a semi super saiyan transformation
They were all drained
That's what I just said
Jiren was full on energy beforehand too
And he was drained by the last fight
Either way
The only one not fully drained was 17 because he's able to have a near infinite supply of energy
They were both drained/tired
And yet goku was able to push him back
In just ssj
Imagine a full powered goku
Fusing with a full powered vegeta
And the "goku has to lower his power level" argument holds no grounds since there's no proof gokus base is stronger than vegetas base
My point still stands: Vegito would beat Broly because he is far stronger than Gogeta thanks to the Potara earrings. If Goku was able to beat a Potara Fusion all by himself (Kefla), then I have no doubt adding Vegeta into the mix would help them defeat the actual Broly instead of the gender swapped Broly and her lesbian sister
He is not
I just explained to you why
And your points are invalid
They are 3 arcs stronger
I've heard the same tired excuses again and again. My point is not changing
Then refute them
Tell me why they aren't true
I just did
The Potara fusion is stronger because it was proven stronger
So we're talking about
Zamasu arc vegito right
Hell, even Death Battle got it right for once
Not hypothetical
Dbs broly
Because then vegito would lose
Either way
Toryama said
Vegito at the time of the Broly film would NOT lose
If the battle is drawn out vegito would have the advantage
It would have been the same outcome against Broly, only faster
But if it's quick
No he wouldn't 💀
Gogeta would have the advantage
Keep coping for your Tik Tok dancers
Goku from dbs broly is so much stronger than vegito man
Vegito (future trunks arc)
Now since vegito likes playing with his enemies
He'd take too long and broly would become too strong for him
You forget that all Fusions add their power together + multiple them significantly. The only difference is that the Potara is yet another asset added onto their power boost
By the time he takes it seriously it'll be too late
Exactly, other than that potara boost with no proof
Ok, you're just arguing because you don't want to admit you're wrong.
So imagine a strong goku and vegeta
They fuse right
Then they fight a stronger goku and vegeta
They also fused
Who would win?
You've yet to actually refute my points, and are making up stuff man
Didn't specify the method
I have refuted your points. You just refuse to accept reality
Show me one
Let's take this from the top
Gogeta (broly movie) legit broke reality
Scroll through the chat and read. I've already said my points. I have no need to repeat myself if you fail to listen
Vegito has never done that
Gogeta didn't take 40 minutes to finish his fight
That he lodt
So did Goku and Beerus in Battle of Gods

Breaking reality, sure
They were sending shockwaves that did damage to the universe as a whole
They were scratching the walls of reality. That's why the Elder Kai said if they continue, the universe will be destroyed
All characters past this arc as strong as goku in base can do this

Ok, now you're just making shit up on the fly. I'm out
Look at the map
I have scans dude
Did vegito go into an entirely different dimension by clashing?
Then destroy that very same dimension?
Didn't think so

I got the Drink

Lucky ahh mf
I think pretty much everyone has all the cosmetics at this point since they gave us 3,000,000 Dragon Gems
But still, good shit
The one that took me forever to get was Goku's "Moment of Awakening"

I didn’t even know bulma was in this game. I never ONCE saw her lmao
That's bulla but whatever
Or bra as they call her in dragon ball super
I have bulma autocorrected to bulma
Bacterian is in the game too
I have every character and almost every skin for all character
And I have all helpers
100 summons
good mornin everyone
except for gohan fans