chemical bonding
How is that planar molecule when there are three axes.
And nodal plane xy kese ???

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agar z axis is internuclear axis (it is not here, z is perpendicular here)
and wait wait
you are asking how sp2 is planar?
ek bar check my videos na. itna complicated nahi hai as is tdrawn here
or jd lee bhi hai
ok then what is the q?
SP2 is planar but vo pz BHI AA gya na to 3d molecule nhi hoga?
that is unhydbrised :)
also, usually in ncert z axis is internuclear, just see q me kya diya hai.
if q doenst have anything, go with ncert
(he has specified x axis to be internuclear it looks like)
Not question these are notes actually
yea but end goal is q right :D
so yea check out how sp2 hybridisation happens, it is there in my videos, clearly bola hai
ki one p orbital is NOT hybdrised
that is the one that forms the pi bond
Yes vo to PTA hai
To jab pie bond bnega vo to kisi 3rd axis pr hi bnega na
yea in this case z.
so the molcule is planar wrt to C and H
the atoms
theory revise kar lo
zaroori hai I feel here
Sir but sp2-sp2 is planar
But molecule me to pz BHI ayega na (or not?) then how this is a planar structure?
:D theory bro
pi bonds
are in one axis
other two axes me uska nodal plane hota hai
Ig you are not getting my doubt

Hai ye to 3d structure Hai na
perhaps, please revise theory once.
this shows the molecule is planar
and the pi bond is perpendicular to the plane of the molecule.
So we don't count pure orbitals while defining structures?
Yes will do 😁
when they are in hybdrised orbitals, we may
when not we dont
yea check out my videos, thye will help.
Okay but that doesn't make any sense?
jd lee :D
difficult to explain over texts mate :) poori theory hai hybridisation ki
or videos
this is unpaired electron remember
single electron
In sp² hybridization, the three orbitals (one s and two p) combine to form three hybrid orbitals that lie in the same plane, oriented 120° apart. Although these orbitals are derived from three axes (x, y, and z), in sp², only two axes (let it be x and y) are used for the hybrid orbitals and they spread out in a planar structure. The remaining p orbital (along the z-axis which is the internuclear axis acc ncert) stays unhybridized, sticking out above and below the plane, which doesn’t affect the planarity of the sp² orbitals.
Let’s close this out?
+solved @itsav23
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