using intel igpu to render the desktop and nvidia discret gpu for games ?
Hello i've read that on some distro we can render the desktop with the igpu and use the discret gpu for games. I'm running on a lower end gtx 1060 3gb so every bit of vram is important for me, how could I do that ? i've seen nvidia prime being suggested online but I don't know if we can install it here
8 Replies
handled by switcherooctl and should be automatic
if you need to manually run something on the dgpu then you can get the list of gpus with the command
get the device number from Device: X
then launch the program with
switcherooctl launch programname 1
replace 1 with the device number
if you need to add arguments you add them before the device number
for a game in steam the launch options would look something like this (but this should not be neccesary!)
switcherooctl launch %command% 1
I meant that I want to run everything except games with the igpu to preserve vram, is it already what the system is doing ? with steam + discord + 2 1080p screens i'm at around 600 MiB on vram used
with switcherooctl i only see the nvidia gpu even though my cpu (i5 8400) should have an igpu maybe that's the issue ?
forgot to add i'm on a desktop not a laptop
check your bios, a lot of desktops disable the igpu when you put in a discrete card.
also idk if it will even work since IIRC which card is used is based on the output port used on desktop
there doesn't seem to be an option for that in the bios
that is most likely not possible
anyway thanks for trying to help
The option name varies a lot from each vendor, I think it worth searching mainboard for that
Mine activates it by default, if I boot with a monitor connected to the iGPU it uses it to render most apps but it's kinda laggy
This probably just works well on laptops with Optimus or something like that
Oh nm the laggy that, I got confused with when I boot with my monitor turned off and the iGPU is passed through the dGPU, directly connected to the iGPU works fine
And hey Waydroid works!
That's the only setting that mention the igpu
And I can't seem to get any output from the motherboard's HDMI
I Guess it's Time to change my gpu