VALORANT•7mo ago

Disruptive Play

I need some help figuring this out. I am new to Valorant console (ps5). The first time I got this warning I was playing Breach for the first time and accidentally KO'd a teammate with his ability. Totally understandable. I get it. My bad. But the second time I was playing Deadlock. I know for a fact my barrier mesh did not trap or block any teammates, and I am fairly certain none of my teammates tripped a sound censor. The only thing I can think of is that I had terrible aim that game. 0 kills. Can you get a disruptive warning for being a bad shot?
19 Replies
Elofiy•7mo ago
I don't think so
YokoOP•7mo ago
It legit happened again. I'm so confused
Elofiy•7mo ago
Maybe it's because you weren't contributing enough idk
YokoOP•7mo ago
I'm new. I'm doing the best I can. If being new and bad is a reportable offense, I'm not gonna last v long in the game. 😅 thanks for trying at least.
Elofiy•7mo ago
Lol yea I prob won't stick for too long either also no problem Maybe it's like someone just reporting you because you are new too the game it happend to me so idk
YokoOP•7mo ago
Aww thanks. Its good to know I'm not the only one.
Elofiy•7mo ago
Yea lol I never said nothing about it because it stopped happing after the 2nd day
bruh•7mo ago
no?? not on PC atleast
YokoOP•7mo ago
Well I hope it stops for me too, lol. If only because I improve. All I play is Spike Rush and Team Deathmatch. Along with the Range, of course, cause my aim still sucks. If I have to stop playing spike rush, I might as well uninstall. Yeah, I don't get it at all. I haven't damaged any teammates these last two rounds. I don't have my mic on.
Elofiy•7mo ago
Are you on pc? Cuz I don't think spike rush is on console
YokoOP•7mo ago
I mean Quick Play, sorry!
Elofiy•7mo ago
It's good don't worry about it
YokoOP•7mo ago
I played PC briefly but it took too much space on my little laptop, so I stopped playing until it hit console. I never had this issue on PC. And I know I sucked on PC lol FPS are not my usual games. I do solo open world games usually. Valorant is awesome tho.
Elofiy•7mo ago
Yea I usually play either that one story game that comes out and multiplayer stuff Yea I tried it on pc but it was to laggy for my laptop
YokoOP•7mo ago
Everyone keeps telling me how toxic Valorant players are but aside from these random disruptive play warnings, I haven't had any trouble at all. Most people aren't even mic'd. I assume Disruptive Play is reporting
Elofiy•7mo ago
Yea prob I think it's just the pc side the people on console are pretty chill
YokoOP•7mo ago
That's the vibe I get, yeah. Welp, unless anyone has an answer to this thread, I'll prob let it drop. I'm Chaosprince01 on Riot. So if you run into me, I am not trolling. I really am just that bad. 😅
Elofiy•7mo ago
Lol I prob will I suck ass at this game too
YokoOP•7mo ago

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