
account locked

I got this announcement just today when i opened my valorant account, my account got locked until 23/7/2124 due to afk because my pc always lag and got kicked from the game, i dont go afk because of my will, my device make me can't play. I just bought a new pc and trying to log in just to find this news. Can someone help me with solutions or something that can help the issue? I really wish i could play with this account because there is so much memories in here and i will so happy if i could get the second chance because now i already upgrade the pc and the lag problem and afk wouldn't happen anymore, and since today is my birthday i wish i could get a good news about this
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10 Replies
Shaquille Oatmeal
Shaquille Oatmeal•3w ago
Try to make an aqppeal if its that long it basically means uve afked for sooooooo much Bcs usually itd be 1 week 2 weeks 1 month 6 months 1 year 2 yrs and so on if im correct
blubluu•3w ago
where to make the appeal? i already try to ask the riot and use my tickets in val support yea it happens because my pc so lag, but now i already bought a new one so the afk will not happen again do my account have chance to be unlocked? and play with the account anymore? i really hoped i could have the second chance
Kimmy•3w ago
Bro 2124 is crazyy why would u even go play valorant even though u know u will go afk i can tell how regularly u went afk id just say stay alive for 100 years and play again :>
maxi•3w ago
sorry but u are so not funny if u dont want to help just stfu
Kimmy•3w ago
its hi fault thi why play when he knows he gonna dc 🤦
blubluu•3w ago
I thought my pc could handle it because sometimes it can but ya it is my fault tho I know, but can I actually get back and play with the same account anymore?
Kimmy•3w ago
i dont think so 2124 ? not likely
bruh•3w ago
VANGUARD Main•3w ago
:valQuestion: The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.
bruh•3w ago
@blubluu submit a ticket to riot
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