RunPod7mo ago

Two pods disappeared from my account

After a two week hiatus from RunPod I returned frustrated to find that at least two (on-demand, secure cloud) pods are missing from my account. These take time, effort, and money to setup, and I was happily paying their storage costs. My account is set up to autopay and roll over, so the balance is always > $100 (i.e., this is not a non-payment issue). There have been no reported storage outages AFAIK, and my audit logs show no activity whatsoever between 8/17 when I last used RunPod and today. Billing however indicates one being dropped on the 23rd, and another on the 24th. Can anyone shed some light on what's going on here, and ideally help me restore my missing pods? Similar issues, for reference: https://discord.com/channels/912829806415085598/1195670955939332157 https://discord.com/channels/912829806415085598/1263150831717449728
6 Replies
PRB7mo ago
Was it spot pod?
ktabriziOP7mo ago
No, they were "On-Demand - Secure Cloud" pods (edited my post to include this info).
yhlong000007mo ago
https://contact.runpod.io/hc/en-us/requests/new Can you open a support ticket with your runpod account email? We can definitely look into what’s happening, but honestly since it is being a while, the chance to recover them is very low.
Poddy7mo ago
Escalated To Zendesk
The thread has been escalated to Zendesk!
ktabriziOP7mo ago
For anyone investigating something similar, it turns out RunPod has a stale volume deletion policy:
Stale volumes are deleted if they have been inactive for 30 days, or if you run out of funds.
Pre-deletion warning notifications were sent to our team admin (I just never saw them, whoops).
yhlong000007mo ago
To clarify, we delete pods that are in an exited state and have been inactive for more than 30 days

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