failed to write boot loader configuration

Good evening, I am trying to install BazziteOS on my desktop PC, however during the process of installation I get this error pop up preventing me from completing it To add more context: I am using ventoy (I've read that it caused issues in the past but supposedly now it shouldn't anymore) I have 3 different drives: - 500gb - 2tb - 4tb Which I'm manually partitioning using the advanced GUI because I want the first one to be /, the second one to be /media/games and the latter to be /home, the /boot/EFI partition is inside the 4tb disk and beside that every other partition is btrfs, this setup has never given me any issue in any other Linux distribution I have ever used on the same machine Could it be that I am not able to do it this way due to how immutable distributions work? (It's my first time using one so I have yet to figure out pretty much everything different) Thank you in advance to whoever will reply!
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8 Replies
dae6mo ago
Did you ever figure this out? The answer turned out to be that Fedora Atomic requires a separate /boot partition (in addition to the /boot/efi partition) and the installer does not warn you of that if you do manual partitioning
dae6mo ago
Fedora Discussion
Fedora kinoite 40 install always fail when installing bootloader
Yep, I understood. that’s fine, You still need to create all the other ones. I think In my first link when I tried it I needed all of : /boot -- 350MB /boot/efi -- 600MB so you will still need these partitions. :party: Good Luck :fedora: Friend :party:
dae5mo ago
If anyone finds this in the future, note that I created a /boot partition of 512MB and, while it worked for a while, updates started failing after I pinned a deployment. It seems like each deployment takes up about 200MB in /boot. I used GParted Live to move my sysroot so I could expand /boot to 8GB, which is probably more than it will ever need. If someone could chime in with how big Bazzite makes that partition by default if you don't manually set up partitions, it would be appreciated.
wolfyreload5mo ago
by default the /boot is 1GiB which is enough for about 3-4 bootable Bazzite grub entries.
HikariKnight5mo ago
we have a manual partition guide for this reason because people are bound to do it wrong without it the first time
Universal Blue
Dual Boot Preliminary Setup and Post-Setup Guide
This is the old documentation, please view the new documentation. Note: Make sure to read the Installation Guide for your device first before proceeding. Two Methods: Method A or Method B A) Installing Bazzite on a separate drive (Recommended) B) Manual partitioning on the same drive A) Separate Drive Method Note: This method is ideal f...
dae5mo ago
Great to know, but I never would've looked at that page because I wasn't dual booting. I only did the manual setup because of having a separate home partition
kiloman4mo ago
I'm having the same issue ... Hardware is a GPD Win mini. I've followed the manual partitioning schem but still it just errors on install showing the exact same as OP
MaximusBananus4mo ago
This can also happen if your date/time are incorrectly set. I ran into the same error message and fixed it by setting the date. Disconnecting the battery reset the clock.

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