153 Replies
valorant is a cpu-intense game, so upgrade your cpu is the way to go
but you might have to upgrade your gpu soon enough, gtx is a bit outdated (not expired though)
what nvidia gpu should i get for the cpu that i have?
RTX 3060
you can find used ones for well under $400
300 actually
Even better
in my country its somewhere around 250
A new one is 250 dollars
Where did u pull that number from
still around 300
4060 or 3060?
says 360 on amazon
4060 costs 339 in my country
price may vary depends on your region
and 3060 309
in dollars?
whats your budget
350 max
Thats not bad actually
Kinda surprised
if you wanna go risky, try ebay and find a 3070
bid it
forget the language 😂
its greek ...
Not bad
seems good
just remember, valorant is a cpu-intense game
but you should probably upgrade gpu first
No idea what kinda amazon u using
and 3060
that seemed a bit overpriced, for me
its a cpu intensive game but youre going to have alot of bottleneck with that 1650
rather just upgrade the gpu and maybe upgrade the cpu later
it doesnt really use that much gpu if youre running on low settings
i upgraded cpu at 2022
hmm ok
What cpu u got again?
consider one in 2025
i had 9100f
i5 i7 what?
+ I am sure you'd be able to run other games better with 4060 instead of just focusing on improving valorant perfomance
odd.. he said 11600kf
on the topic
yeah thats i want and iwant to play somw shooter gpu intesnsive
like overwatch?
i play ow2
wait overwatch is cpu
i get 300fps unlocked
4060 is literally a obvious decision here
How many watts is ur psu?
ye nvm neutral sided
doesnt matter, with that budget he dont need a chunky gpu
yall why can i log in to riot 😭
So 350 pounds
so 4060 ?
not just for valorant
yeah obviously
from f2p i play valo lol ow2 fortnite cs2 apex
in the future you could play other games that'd give you better perfomance than a 1650
4060 ti when
if you were to play games like resident evil they'd run fine
Its around 340 pounds
thats just me
nah its overpriced in my country
What site u using to check prices?
order oversea
although the shipping fee might pull the gap, but at least the price would be lower than the one shown in europe
its a retail shop
in greece
thats way too expensive
Doesn't amazon work there?
my country sell that for like 100 euro less
(malaysia btw)
Its 341 pounds here
That too for the 16 gig variant
Thats just 8 gigs
8 gigs isn't gonna last u long in today's time
it works but i dont want ro take smth expensive from amazon idk
fine, just give you a brief nutshell explaination
if vram matter, go amd
if features matter, nvidia
idc fr for vram
in your case you will need reflex for valorant and perhaps some ray tracing for other game
so nvidia is the way to go
4060ti from amazon is literally the only right choice here if u r gonna upgrade the cpu in the future
your budget is around 350 euro, that could almost get you a 4060 ti, but if you cant do overseas delivery, go for 4060
and if 4060 is still not enough, then 3070
thats basically it
bro i dont want to wait for like 2 weeks 😂
then retail store pick up, ask the retailer if he has a spare 3070 sitting around, or some new stock 4060
and youre all set my guy :)
Why do u want it so desperately lol
he tryna escape that gtx instead of escaping the elo xd
Plat 2 😦
bad mentality sometimes
Imo a gtx 1650 and an 11th gen i5 is MORE than enough for val
oh and btw, if you're also considering to upgrade the cpu, 7500F
mine is just an intel cpu with HD graphics
That should be getting u like 190 fps ATLEAST
What cpu?
i get ~300
Well then
Why do u need a new gpu :val_HeyApple:
laptop cpu
i just took proficiency the english thing grade and i want a gift xd
Thats a lot better than mine lol
yeah amd
that offers you a lot more upgrade path.
It will require a new motherboard btw
and new ram
but trust me, you dont have to consider upgrading your pc again, not until 5 years later
What rank are u with that?
rumor says that am5 is going to last as long as am4, if not longer
silver 1 or smt
that shit stutter a lot
if i would i woould sell u my old gpu xD
Nice ig
nah bad result
I need it more than anyone trust
people hit radiant with that kind of setup while i cant hit shit
I personally have an i3 4150
i aint plugging it in my laptop 😂
oh rip
Ah u have lap
but can it run doom?
jk jk
I am d3 :val_HelloBro:
the intel u series lineup is made for laptop, specifically low wattage
:val_Hampter: :val_Hampter:
from peripherals i have K55 Pro and GPX Superlight
i still cant hit shit 😂
membrane kb
bet, mine's are office setup
Bet, office keyboard with a 5 dollar mouse
Should i take keyboard or GPU xD?
And a monitor that uses screws to connect to the motherboard
definitely gpu xdd
it was joke que
8 gigs of ddr3
lol i know
2 gigs of ddr2 ez
I call cap
my pc is I5 11600KF 1650 Super from my old 2018 PC 16GB Ram and a Z590 MB
seemed cool
you can sell your 1650 super for extra money
then go for 4070 super
Get a cpu before the 4070 super ofc
sell that 1650 super for like 100 or 120 bucks, just as high as you can but dont overprice
use the extra money for cpu, or all on gpu if you want
yeah but to take new cpu i need mobo ram etc
probably enough budget
maybe should i take 4060 first and after i would take a AM5 Cpu
either way, youll get a big jump in performance
go for gpu first
is this 4060 for 339 euro okay?
if i upgrade to this gpu will i see some perfomance increase in Val?
i dont want to upgrade gpu just for val to clarify
not really
but generally, the performance should increase
in most games that're graphic demanding
if youre pretty dedicated to esports, upgrade your cpu
nothing could go wrong with upgrading either of the options
So GPU first and after the cpu?
not just for valo
in general
beside for valorant what should i upgrade first?
gpu obviously
cpu later since you still have a cpu that works just fine and wont get huge botleneck