Are worker alerts free?
Hi, is durable objects alarsm available in free plan? it seems to be an alternative to cron but is more programmable so we don't waste free resources. I tried searching but couldn't find a answer.
10 Replies
I don't think Durable Objects are available on the free plan
Yeah DOs are paid
thanks, but are there any way to stop/start crons from worker code in free plan?
Crons cannot be started/stopped in general without adding/removing them
i have a requirement to call a third party api every 10 seconds to check on an operation progress until the operation status is "done". crons have minimal 1 minutes and alarms are paid. Is this possible to do in free plan?
i mean, you could run it 6 times per cron and sleep 10 seconds
Cloudflare Workers have a maximum execution time limit of 50 milliseconds per request on the free plan
50ms cpu time
Not wall time 🙂
You could spend an hour handling a request before running out of cpu time -- tldr: time spent processing, awaiting i/o (e.g. a fetch or sleep) does not count
thank you!
are you sure about this? I used sleep earlier, and the max i could get was 30 sec.
yup, i was looking at a Worker today running for minutes