Missing executable permissions on SD card
I'm unsure of what I did, or when I did it as I've just been avoiding my retro games cuz of this error
Launching any emulator(launched from emudecks .sh files) gets this
The program '/run/media/SDCard/Emulation/tools/launchers/ryujinx.sh' is missing permissions.
However when I check kde partition manager and dolphin, I seem to see everything having permissions, including the .sh file being checked to be executable59 Replies
any help?
my steam games run perfectly fine off my SD card still
like bo3 zombies with custom maps and mods all on the SD card work
removed all mount options on sd card fixed it
@Tray Do you mind explaining what you mean by "removing all mount options on sd card"? My card stopped letting me write or delete stuff on it recently for no reason. Bazzite has been such a headache in many ways so far.
i am not sure
i believe i edited the one file
with the uh
lol ok I'll keep looking into it
I don't know why bazzite just decided to revoke my SD card permissions randomly
check /etc/fstab
Can't wait for the real steam OS to launch. This has been worse than windows so far.
your fstab might be different from what kde partition manager says
bazzite will go off of what your fstab says
Just learning this term.. fstab
Apparently I am no longer the "owner" of the SD card
steamos works the same way
same automount script for sd cards
if you manually set it up you are responsible for setting the correct settings yourself
which reminds me did you check the documentation which we have written for this very thing?
Auto-Mounting Secondary Drives - Bazzite Documentation
Bazzite is a custom image built upon Fedora Atomic Desktops that brings the best of Linux gaming to all of your devices.
I did, yeah. My 2TB sd card is now bricked and I can't format it on any device.
I thought I was doing the KDE stuff right from the jump. Not sure what happened.
I'm dual booting windows but this SD card is only meant to store roms I'm using on the bazzite side. So I don't need it to do anything in Windows.
if you cant format it at all it means the sdcard itself is dead. you can try using
to or dd
to write zeros to it and it might let you format it again but most likely the sdcard itself has failedI read a lot of setup documentation when I first installed bazzite.. I don't remember if something told me to set up the card in Steam? I formatted it there originally.
Worked fine for days then linux suddenly decided I didn't have permissions to copy or delete files on it.
steam mounts it automatically if its an sdcard
or rather the steamos udev rules mount it automatically
if its a "read only filesystem" issue or "input output error" then its the sdcard failing (this would be true for any drive too) or the filesystem being corrupted
I might try the wipefs thing you mentioned. This was an expensive 2tb card.
Oh hey wait! I was able to re-format it back to NTFS on my windows PC.
Maybe I can start over.
(Not with NTFS of course, I just wanted to get it back to a baseline)
oh might be that it fails to format it in bazzite due to the udev rule from steamos automounting it back when it sees the filesystem
remove the partition in windows and then format it btrfs in bazzite
but if it keeps going read only, then something might be wrong with the sdcard
you can also just check the permissions on the card
ls -la /path/to/mount
Thanks for your help btw.. Didn't mean to direct any anger. Just taking a lot of time to get my new bazzite ally to a stable place.
see if the files are owned by you
and that you got read and write permissions
Well ok let's back up a sec.
On my original bazzite install.. I formatted the SD card in Steam. All seemed to be going well. I added a ton of stuff to it and left it with about 200gigs of free space on the 2TB capacity.
Roms were launching just fine and everything.
Then today suddenly.. When I was trying to transfer scraped game art, I couldn't move or delete anything. I no longer had any permissions.
That's what got me here.
I'm starting over with this SD and I will check permissions with that command you listed
ls -la /path/to/mount
yeah just replace the path with obviously where you mount the sdcard
but check it before doing anything else first
And that's just something I enter in the terminal right
if you lack permissions or files on the sdcard are owned by root then run
sudo chown -R $(whoami):$(whoami) /path/to/mount
since external disks and sdcards should be owned by the user not root 🙂The NTFs formatted card isn't showing up in Steam via game mode now. I'm trying to reformat. Might need to do it manually in desktop.
If it still shows up and isn't in fact bricked..
since you can format in windows i think its just the udev rule that stopped you from formating
no idea what made it read only though
I read a lot of official documentation but also checked a few install videos for my original process. I seem to remember a comment about the validation test in the "Steam OS" bazzite side.. Should I run that or ignore?
Seems like I would want it validated obviously since I'm having SD card panic lol
the validation for steamos is steam
or you mean on the storage location, thats just a filesystem check
no point running on a brand new partition without data
Sorry yeah I put quotes around "Steam OS" since I don't know what to call it. I know Bazzite is almost a carbon copy but not officially "Steam OS"
Game mode, not desktop I mean
Like the formatting tool in the storage panel. Has a validation test you can run after formatting. I'm currently waiting with fingers crossed for mine to finish.
I'm maybe not making the most sense, but just gonna wait for this format to hopefully finish.
yeah thats filesystem check
One other Q I had.. I noticed the transfers were all over the place speed wise. Kind of normal, but lots of long halts with no progress.Then would start up again. I looked this up and that's a downside of btrfs? And that you can format the SD to something else that works with Bazzite but the downside is that you lose like 20% of the capacity?
EXT-4 is the alternative I was thinking of
The wheel is spinning and spinning.. Not sure this is working. Will maybe try a manual format in the desktop side.
there is an ujust to switch steam to use ext4 instead
we use btrfs due to built in compression and it being more sdcard and ssd optimized
Ok well the good news is that my card is freshly formatted and I'm starting over. Installing emudeck and copying some roms, etc. Just going to go over what you posted up there to make sure I retain permissions this time.
Thanks for your help.
Something is still funky... Emudeck install says "error detecting SD card" during the process
Might need to keep testing this card somehow.
I can write files to it and it seems to be working normally
manually tell it where the location is
we dont do anything different than steamos other than defaulting to btrfs
everything else is the same
Ok. I'll try to manually tell it somehow?
Ok so in this link..
Auto-Mounting Secondary Drives - Bazzite Documentation
Bazzite is a custom image built upon Fedora Atomic Desktops that brings the best of Linux gaming to all of your devices.
Note when formatting in KDE Partition Manager¶
Make sure you set permissions to everyone.
you tell it where the sdcard is mounted
I don't see anything about permissions setting to "everyone" in kde partition manager
steam should do this automatically if not you need to manually do the chown command i sent earlier
Ah ok
Because I think maybe that's still not set. When I try to format the card in KDE Partition manager I get an error.
Unrecognized device "mmcblk0p"
Let me try that command
the mount is not in
thats the device locationOk I'm not really sure what I'm doing here I'm just trying to follow along
I went to the terminal and put in what you had up there
if you just copy paste everything without changing you are doing it wrong
got "ls: cannot access '/path/to/mount': No such file or directory
since i do not know where you mount your sdcard
Thought so
Ok so I'll get the path from right clicking it or something
open the sdcard or navigate to it

Would be "ls -la /run/media/bazzite"

Not sure what this tells me
Sorry for the photo quality.. Haven't set up discord on my ally
thats the mount folder

so /run/media/bazzite/blah
Oh also I think I found a fix for the emudeck not seeing my sd card?
yeah always avoid spaces in files and foldernames if you can on linux (and in windows too)
some badly written software dont check for spaces
Yeah I was somewhat aware of that but thought it was maybe a thing of the past
Lol that was it. Simple. I was thinking there was still corruption or something because emudeck couldn't find it.
On my first install, the SD card name was just "SD" so no troubles there.