Account Analytics vs Web Analytics

Hello, I am very new to cloudlfare and I have question regarding analytics. I deployed a HUGO site a month ago for a personal project, very small, to share some content with students. My web analytics show the suspected views, like 10 a day for my site. In My account analytics, I am getting 11.5k requests. Why is this difference? I don't want to get any crazy charges for those requests. Are they costing me money? Because I only want the free static page service offerred by cloudflare
1 Reply
Chaika7mo ago
Cloudflare Web Analytics (Client Side): - Uses JavaScript Beacon/requires JavaScript to run (won't run on most bots/adblocker may stop/etc) - Attempts to filter out Bots by default when viewing - Visits are from requests that did not come from browsing your site, either directly or from another site (Google, forums, etc) - Page Views are HTML pages loaded More Info: Account Analytics/HTTP Traffic/Zone Analytics (Server Side): - Collected from requests going through Cloudflare. One page load can use tens of requests to get all of the resources for (images/CSS/js/gifs/videos/etc) - Does not filter out bots/can't be blocked/doesn't require JavaScript - In Pro or higher's Web Traffic Analytics Page Views/Views have the same definition as above. In the Free version's Unique Visitors are purely off Unique IP Addresses. In short, there are big differences between one being server-side and more about actual page loads, like Google Analytics, and Account/HTTP Traffic Analytics being about raw requests and server-side.
Are they costing me money? Because I only want the free static page service offerred by cloudflare
If you're using Cloudflare Pages and have a purely static website you have unlimited static requests/bandwidth/etc

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