.env vs wrangler.toml (or .dev.vars)

do you duplicate secrets in both of these ? ex: say for account-id or api-token is in dev.vars (for cloudflare) and also in .env for drizzle
3 Replies
Hard@Work7mo ago
No. Variables in the wrangler.toml are for things that aren't secret, like the name of an environment, or the origin of an API
18/F/CALIOP7mo ago
but then where should i put my secrets like cloudflare accound id and token ? if i just put in .dev.vars then drizzle does not know about it if i just put it in .env then wrangler/ cf -functions does not know about it @Hard@Work | R2 any suggestions ?
Hello, I’m Allie!
You would have to copy them then Not ideal, but don’t think there is anything else to do

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