Vegeta Discussion

Discuss all things Vegeta here regarding his skills, builds, cards, gameplay, tips & tricks, etc.
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5 Replies
sandvich enjoyer
Idk I just got vegeta But ig he's another good tank if you don't have zamasu
Eli Ravioli
Eli Ravioli7mo ago
Hes better than zamasu
JimmyOP7mo ago
Builds Vegeta has a variety for his builds (You can max any of his skills but I personally recommend 2 > 3 > 1) Take 2 & 3 first for strong burst damage in the early game to secure Fuwa & to do a big chunk to the opponents when they're stuck in the 2 Tips & Tricks All of Vegetas skills except for 2 restore a big chunk of health. Landing his 1 heals you for every ki blast you hit Landing his 3 heals you Landing his Super also heals you Staggering these skills between each other lets you constantly regenerate and be extremely tanky. Super also naturally combos with his 2. If anyone else wants to contribute please feel free to do so! Cards The usual Trinity is good on Vegeta (Flash of Lightning > Steel Skin > Limit Breaking Jump) Flash of Lightning > Steel Skin > Guardian Angel is also potent for fulfilling a better role as Tank
Eli Ravioli
Eli Ravioli7mo ago
I really like build up, giant slayer, and pursuer
Jad7mo ago
So I think Flash + Limit Breaking has a really silly combo with Photon Bomber. Namely, Flash of Lightning applies to damage dealt even by things already out when you Vanishing Step. So Photon Bomber + Dash Twice whilst they're trapped in it is a pretty significant burst combo.

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