nerf Ape

He's too op you can just steal the kills and win even if enemy does all the damage just have 2 apes on separate sides which only are affected by one team and whoever beats it first wins the effect
2 Replies
sandvich enjoyer
Nah I think they should have it like this where whatever team does most dmg to ape gets the buffs just in case a krillin or piccolo from the other team steal it with a special beam cannon or destuctro disk Cuz this happened to me way too many times
Instinct7mo ago
I too used to think Ape is OP but when you think about it, it is not and can be irrelevant sometimes. Main factors are this : Point of great ape is team battle against your opponenet, either your whole team or 3 of it dies and opponent takes win, or your team crushes opponent and you get the win. It's never really both teams against ape if two teams are in the area. The other point is basically if early stage of gameplay, you focus on defeating towers (G.O.D) and your opponent barely destroyed yours, protecting towers from getting destroyed by defeating opponent will lead the 30 second to pass and your chance to go against opponent god of destruction where you will have the 30 second and have opportunity to get the win.

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