Cooler Disscussion
Discus all thing's Cooler related: Playstyle's, Card's, Routing, rotations, clips anything and everything is welcome here <3
29 Replies
Focus Destruction Ray to lvl 2 then Death Chaser, ult, level 2nd skill last
Flash of Lightning, Steel Skin and Limit Breaking Jump.
Anybody knows what triggers the untargetable cooler bug?
is that like a controller/mobile bug?
Im on pc, so I dont think so
I've never had it and I'm on pc
An enemy had the bug. Ive never experienced it myself tho.
What does it do explain it to me.
If you please could <3
I don't see what's gone omn?
the cooler is on the left side of the screen
he has no health bar
He's dead though?
oh he's not
no, he is moving
hm can he not attack or anything?
yeah, he can't
Did he try dying?
or just reloading the game?

Poor little guy
there were moments in which he stood still for a long period of time, so I would assume so but this was just a random solo queue game so I have no idea what's happening on his end
did he message about it?
not that I'm aware of
not sure he's in the server
lemme check
whats his Name?
steeze loueez
Had a skin and was playing like a human so the player wasn't a bot
Just looked at Server Names but His not in the Server
unless I missed it
I would think he'd post about the bug in the sever if he were in, so imma assume no
oh yeah lol
no clue
1 skill proc retal, 3 skill, then 1 skill proc retal 2 skill, side dash with FOL and 1 skill it will insta kill
interesting, what's the rationale for upgrading death chaser before death stopper? i felt as though death stopper was high priority for upgrading considering how huge the upgraded AoE gets
seemed like it'd be a lot more valuable for teamfights than death chaser
Not in my findings, death stopper isn't too great particularly esspecially when with death chaser there's a one shot combo you can preform easily